import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from functools import partial
import inspect
import warnings as w
import numbers
import pandas as pd
from Thermobar.core import *
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
# This function is from matplotlib -
def matplotlib_confidence_ellipse(x, y, ax, n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', **kwargs):
Create a plot of the covariance confidence ellipse of *x* and *y*.
x, y : array-like, shape (n, )
Input data.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The axes object to draw the ellipse into.
n_std : float
The number of standard deviations to determine the ellipse's radiuses.
Forwarded to `~matplotlib.patches.Ellipse`
if x.size != y.size:
raise ValueError("x and y must be the same size")
cov = np.cov(x, y)
pearson = cov[0, 1]/np.sqrt(cov[0, 0] * cov[1, 1])
# Using a special case to obtain the eigenvalues of this
# two-dimensional dataset.
ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1 + pearson)
ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1 - pearson)
ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), width=ell_radius_x * 2, height=ell_radius_y * 2,
facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs)
# Calculating the standard deviation of x from
# the squareroot of the variance and multiplying
# with the given number of standard deviations.
scale_x = np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]) * n_std
mean_x = np.mean(x)
# calculating the standard deviation of y ...
scale_y = np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]) * n_std
mean_y = np.mean(y)
transf = transforms.Affine2D() \
.rotate_deg(45) \
.scale(scale_x, scale_y) \
.translate(mean_x, mean_y)
ellipse.set_transform(transf + ax.transData)
return ax.add_patch(ellipse)
def av_noise_samples_series(calc, sampleID):
This function calculates the mean, median, standard devation, maximum and
minimum value of rows specified by "calc" based on values in "Sample ID" where both inputs are panda series.
calc: Series
Panda series of inputs you want to average.
SampleID: str
column heading for the thing you want to average by (e.g., Sample_ID_Cpx)
Dataframe with headings "Sample", "Mean_calc", "Median_calc",
"St_dev_calc", "Max_calc", "Min_calc"
if isinstance(calc, pd.Series):
N = sampleID.unique()
Av_mean = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Av_median = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Max = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Min = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Std = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
IQR_Std=np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
for ID in sampleID.unique():
# print(sam)
# print(i)
# print(np.nanmean(calc[sampleID == sam]))
Av_mean[i] = np.nanmean(calc[sampleID == sam])
Av_median[i] = np.nanmedian(calc[sampleID == sam])
Std[i] = np.nanstd(calc[sampleID == sam])
Min[i] = np.nanmin(calc[sampleID == sam])
Max[i] = np.nanmax(calc[sampleID == sam])
var=calc[sampleID == sam]
IQR_Std[i]=0.5*np.abs((np.percentile(var, 84) -np.percentile(var, 16)))
len1=len(calc[sampleID == sam])
Err_out = pd.DataFrame(data={'Sample': N, '# averaged': len1, 'Mean_calc': Av_mean,
'Median_calc': Av_median, 'St_dev_calc': Std, 'St_dev_calc_from_percentiles': IQR_Std,
'Max_calc': Max, 'Min_calc': Min})
return Err_out
def av_noise_samples_df(dataframe, calc_heading, ID_heading):
This function calculates the mean, median, standard devation, maximum and
minimum value of rows in a datarame with column heading "calc_heading"
grouping by values in "ID_heading".
dataframe: pandas.DataFrame
Panda datframe of inputs you want to average.
Must contain column headings "calc_heading" and "ID_heading".
calc_heading: str
column heading for the thing you want to average (e.g, P_kbar_calc)
ID_heading: str
column heading for the thing you want to average by (e.g., Sample_ID)
Dataframe with headings "Sample", "Mean_calc", "Median_calc",
"St_dev_calc", "Max_calc", "Min_calc"
if isinstance(calc, pd.Series):
N = sampleID.unique()
Av_mean = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Av_median = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Max = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Min = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
Std = np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
IQR_Std=np.zeros(len(N), dtype=float)
for i in range(0, len(N)):
Av_mean[i] = np.nanmean(calc[sampleID == i])
Av_median[i] = np.nanmedian(calc[sampleID == i])
Std[i] = np.nanstd(calc[sampleID == i])
Min[i] = np.nanmin(calc[sampleID == i])
Max[i] = np.nanmax(calc[sampleID == i])
var=calc[sampleID == sam]
IQR_Std[i]=0.5*np.abs((np.percentile(var, 84) -np.percentile(var, 16)))
Err_out = pd.DataFrame(data={'Sample': N, 'Mean_calc': Av_mean,
'Median_calc': Av_median, 'St_dev_calc': Std,'St_dev_calc_from_percentiles': IQR_Std,
'Max_calc': Max, 'Min_calc': Min})
return Err_out
def turn_series_into_error(*, elx='Cpx', variable, variable_err):
# Define variables
n_samples = len(variable_err)
var = variable
# Define the column names
cols = [
# Create the empty DataFrame
Error = pd.DataFrame(data=0, columns=cols, index=range(n_samples))
# Fill in the appropriate column with the variable value
var2=var + '_' + elx + '_Err'
if var2 in cols:
return Error
def add_noise_sample_1phase(phase_comp, phase_err=None,
variable=None, variable_err=None, variable_err_type=None, duplicates=10,
noise_percent=None, err_dist="normal", positive=True,
filter_q=None, append=False):
This function generates N duplicates containing random noise from the
compositions in the dataframe specified by phase_comp.
Phase Comps: pandas dataframe
Pandas dataframe of phase compositions. This can be generated
from the import_excel function, or any dataframe with the
headings _Liq for liquids, _Cpx for clinopyroxenes etc.
Options for adding different types of error:
1) If you want to specifying an error for >1 variable:
phase_err: pandas dataframe
Pandas dataframe with headings for the error of the oxide in each
phase (e.g., SiO2_Liq_Err, or SiO2_Cpx_Err).
This dataframe can be generated from a user-inputted spreadsheet
with these column headings using the function import_excel_errors.
Errors can be absolute, or percentage errors.
the default is absolute errors (in wt%), but users can overwrite
this using phase_err_Type="Perc".
phase_err_type: "Abs" (default) or "Perc"
Determins if specified errors are absolute (Abs) or percentage errors.
2) If you want to specify error for a single variable:
variable: str
Name of column you wish to add error to (e.g. "Na2O" for Na2O in Liq)
variable_err: flt, int
Specifies how much error to add
3) If you want to add a fixed percent of noise to all variables.
noise_percent: flt, int
Adds a fixed noise percent to all input variables.
duplicates: flt, int (Default: 10)
Number of new synthetic samples generated per sample in the original
dataframe. E.g., if the user enteres 7 samples, and duplicates=1000,
the function returns 7000 compositions by default.
If append=True, the original dataframe is appended onto the end of the
returned dataframe
err_dist: "normal" (default) or "uniform"
determins whether added error is normally distributed with
1 sigma = entered value.
Or uniformly distributed between +noise value and - noise value.
positive: True (default) or False
If True, doesn't allow negative values of oxide species,
temperature or pressure. Can result in a non-normally distributed
error distribution. If False, negative values are allowed.
filter_q: str
Filter criteria, e.g. if SiO2_Liq>60,
only returns samples with SiO2_Liq>60
append: False (default) or True
If True, appends user-entered dataframe onto the synthetic dataframe
once noise has been added.
Panda dataframe containing user-inputted samples with noise added.
The output is sorted such that the first row in the input * the number
of noise samples requested are the first N rows, then the new synthetic
compositions for the second row in the input database are next.
A heading called "Sample_ID_Liq_Num" is added, with all synthetic samples
from the first row in the input dataframe have an index 0, the 2nd row have
an index 1. etc.
if phase_err_type not in ['Abs', 'Perc']:
raise ValueError("Invalid value for phase_err_type. Please choose 'Abs' or 'Perc'.")
if err_dist not in ['normal', 'uniform']:
raise ValueError("Invalid value for phase_err_type. Please choose 'normal' or 'uniform'.'")
# if variable_err is not None:
# if (type(variable_err) is not float) and (type(variable_err) is not int) and (type(variable_err) is not np.ndarray):
# raise Exception('variable error must be a float, integer, or np.ndarray. If youve entered a pandas series, do series.values')
if variable is not None and noise_percent is not None:
raise Exception('noise_percent is an arguement on its own '
'it adds noise to all variables. Either specify variable or '
'noise_percent not both')
if variable_err is not None and noise_percent is not None:
raise Exception('noise_percent adds noise to all variables' \
'while variable_err adds noise to a single variable'\
'specify only one of these arguements')
if filter_q is not None:
Sample_c = phase_comp.query(filter_q).copy()
Sample_c = phase_comp.copy()
if phase_err is not None and noise_percent is not None:
raise Exception('You have entered both a dataframe of noise and '\
'specified a percent noise. Select only 1 of these options')
# This works out what phase you have entered data for
Phase_Options = ["Cpx", "Plag", "Opx", "Sp", "Kspar", "Amp", "Liq", "Ol"]
for Option in Phase_Options:
if any(Sample_c.columns.str.contains(f"_{Option}")):
elx = Option
if any(Sample_c.columns.str.contains('Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx))):
Sample_c['Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)]='No Name Entered'
if len(Sample_c['Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)].unique() ) != len(Sample_c):
w.warn('Non unique sample names. We have appended the index onto all sample names to save issues with averaging later')
for i in range(0, len(Sample_c)):
Sample_c.loc[i, 'Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)]=Sample_c['Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)].iloc[i] + '_'+str(TEST[i])
if phase_err is None or (phase_err is not None and err_dist == "uniform"):
Sample_c['Sample_ID_{}_Num'.format(elx)] = Sample_c.index
# This duplicates your entered composition the number of times
# specified by noise samples (Cpx1-Cpx1-Cpx1, Cpx2, Cpx2,...)
Dup_Sample = pd.DataFrame(
np.repeat(Sample_c.values, duplicates, axis=0))
Dup_Sample.columns = Sample_c.columns
# Dropping sample name so it doesnt get averaged.
Sample_name_num = Dup_Sample['Sample_ID_{}_Num'.format(elx)]
Dup_Sample.drop('Sample_ID_{}_Num'.format(elx), axis=1, inplace=True)
Dup_Sample.drop('Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx), axis=1, inplace=True)
if variable is not None and not isinstance(variable, pd.Series) and not isinstance(variable, np.ndarray):
ely = variable
if variable == "P_kbar" or variable == "T_K":
if variable_err_type == "Abs":
if err_dist == "normal":
Noise = np.random.normal(0, variable_err,
if err_dist == "uniform":
Noise = np.random.uniform(- variable_err, +
variable_err, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
if variable_err_type == "Perc":
variable_err_abs = Dup_Sample['{}'.format(
ely)] * (variable_err / 100)
if err_dist == "normal":
Noise = np.random.normal(
0, variable_err_abs, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
if err_dist == "uniform":
Noise = np.random.uniform(- variable_err_abs, +
variable_err_abs, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
mynoisedDataframe = Dup_Sample.copy()
ely)] = mynoisedDataframe['{}'.format(ely)] + Noise
if variable_err_type == "Abs":
if err_dist == "normal":
Noise = np.random.normal(
0, variable_err, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
if err_dist == "uniform":
Noise = np.random.uniform(- variable_err, +
variable_err, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
if variable_err_type == "Perc":
variable_err_abs = Dup_Sample['{}_{}'.format(
ely, elx)] * (variable_err / 100)
if err_dist == "normal":
Noise = np.random.normal(
0, variable_err_abs, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
if err_dist == "uniform":
Noise = np.random.uniform(- variable_err_abs, +
variable_err_abs, Dup_Sample.shape[0])
mynoisedDataframe = Dup_Sample.copy()
ely, elx)] = mynoisedDataframe['{}_{}'.format(ely, elx)] + Noise
if noise_percent is not None and err_dist == "uniform":
noise = np.random.uniform(- noise_percent /
100, + noise_percent / 100, Dup_Sample.shape)
mynoisedDataframe = Dup_Sample + Dup_Sample * noise
if noise_percent is not None and err_dist == "normal":
noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_percent / 100, Dup_Sample.shape)
mynoisedDataframe = Dup_Sample + Dup_Sample * noise
if phase_err is not None and err_dist == "uniform":
Sample_Err = phase_err.copy()
Dup_Noise = pd.DataFrame(
np.repeat(Sample_Err.values, duplicates, axis=0))
Dup_Noise.columns = Sample_Err.columns
noise = np.random.uniform(1, -1, Dup_Noise.shape)
mynoisedDataframe = (Dup_Noise * noise).to_numpy() + Dup_Sample
if variable is not None and (isinstance(variable_err, pd.Series) or isinstance(variable_err, np.ndarray)):
print('got to here')
if phase_err is not None and err_dist == "normal":
# This is for when users enter 2 dataframes, 1 of measurements, 1 of 1
# sigma errors
Data = Sample_c
if 'Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx) in Data:
Data=Data.drop('Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx), axis=1)
# Set up empty things to fill in
SiO2_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
TiO2_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Al2O3_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
FeOt_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
MnO_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
MgO_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
CaO_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Na2O_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
K2O_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Cr2O3_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
NiO_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
P2O5_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
H2O_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
P_kbar_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
T_K_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
F_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Cl_Err = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Sample_name_num = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=float)
Sample_name_str = np.zeros((duplicates * len(Data)), dtype=object)
if phase_err_type == "Abs":
Err = phase_err
if phase_err_type == "Perc":
Err_perc = phase_err.copy()
# removing headings so can multiply 2 pandas
Err_perc.columns = Err_perc.columns.str.replace('_Err', '')
if 'Sample_ID_Cpx' in Err_perc.columns:
Err_perc = Err_perc.drop('Sample_ID_Cpx', axis=1)
Err = Data * (Err_perc / 100)
# adding Err back in
Err.columns = [str(col) + '_Err' for col in Err.columns]
for i in range(0, len(Data)):
if len(Err) != len(Data):
raise Exception('Your data and error input data frames arent the same length')
Sample_name_num[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = i
Sample_name_str[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = Sample_c['Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)].iloc[i]
SiO2_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['SiO2_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['SiO2_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
TiO2_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['TiO2_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['TiO2_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
Al2O3_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['Al2O3_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['Al2O3_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
FeOt_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['FeOt_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['FeOt_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
MnO_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['MnO_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['MnO_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
MgO_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['MgO_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['MgO_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
CaO_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['CaO_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['CaO_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
Na2O_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['Na2O_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['Na2O_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
K2O_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['K2O_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['K2O_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
Cr2O3_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['Cr2O3_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['Cr2O3_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
if variable == "P_kbar":
P_kbar_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['P_kbar'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['P_kbar_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
if variable == "T_K":
T_K_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['T_K'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['T_K_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
if any(Data.columns.str.contains("NiO")):
NiO_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['NiO_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['NiO_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
NiO_Err = 0 * Data['SiO2_{}'.format(elx)]
if any(Data.columns.str.contains("F_")):
F_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['F_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['F_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
F_Err = 0 * Data['SiO2_{}'.format(elx)]
if any(Data.columns.str.contains("Cl_")):
Cl_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['Cl_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['Cl_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
Cl_Err = 0 * Data['SiO2_{}'.format(elx)]
if any(Data.columns.str.contains("P2O5")):
P2O5_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['P2O5_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['P2O5_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
P2O5_Err = 0 * Data['SiO2_{}'.format(elx)]
if any(Data.columns.str.contains("H2O")):
H2O_Err[i * duplicates:(i * duplicates + duplicates)] = np.random.normal(loc=Data['H2O_{}'.format(
elx)].iloc[i], scale=Err['H2O_{}_Err'.format(elx)].iloc[i], size=duplicates)
H2O_Err = 0 * Data['SiO2_{}'.format(elx)]
if elx == 'Cpx' or elx == "Opx" or elx == "Plag" or elx == "Kspar":
mynoisedDataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={'SiO2_{}'.format(elx): SiO2_Err, 'TiO2_{}'.format(elx): TiO2_Err, 'Al2O3_{}'.format(elx): Al2O3_Err, 'FeOt_{}'.format(elx): FeOt_Err, 'MnO_{}'.format(
elx): MnO_Err, 'MgO_{}'.format(elx): MgO_Err, 'CaO_{}'.format(elx): CaO_Err, 'Na2O_{}'.format(elx): Na2O_Err, 'K2O_{}'.format(elx): K2O_Err, 'Cr2O3_{}'.format(elx): Cr2O3_Err})
if elx == 'Ol' or elx == "Sp":
mynoisedDataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={'SiO2_{}'.format(elx): SiO2_Err, 'TiO2_{}'.format(elx): TiO2_Err, 'Al2O3_{}'.format(elx): Al2O3_Err, 'FeOt_{}'.format(elx): FeOt_Err, 'MnO_{}'.format(elx): MnO_Err, 'MgO_{}'.format(elx): MgO_Err, 'CaO_{}'.format(elx): CaO_Err, 'Na2O_{}'.format(elx): Na2O_Err, 'K2O_{}'.format(elx): K2O_Err, 'Cr2O3_{}'.format(elx): Cr2O3_Err,
'NiO_{}'.format(elx): NiO_Err})
if elx == "Amp":
mynoisedDataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={'SiO2_{}'.format(elx): SiO2_Err, 'TiO2_{}'.format(elx): TiO2_Err, 'Al2O3_{}'.format(elx): Al2O3_Err, 'FeOt_{}'.format(elx): FeOt_Err, 'MnO_{}'.format(elx): MnO_Err, 'MgO_{}'.format(elx): MgO_Err, 'CaO_{}'.format(elx): CaO_Err, 'Na2O_{}'.format(elx): Na2O_Err, 'K2O_{}'.format(elx): K2O_Err, 'Cr2O3_{}'.format(elx): Cr2O3_Err,
'F_{}'.format(elx): F_Err, 'Cl_{}'.format(elx): Cl_Err})
if elx == "Liq":
mynoisedDataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={'SiO2_{}'.format(elx): SiO2_Err, 'TiO2_{}'.format(elx): TiO2_Err, 'Al2O3_{}'.format(elx): Al2O3_Err, 'FeOt_{}'.format(elx): FeOt_Err, 'MnO_{}'.format(elx): MnO_Err, 'MgO_{}'.format(elx): MgO_Err, 'CaO_{}'.format(elx): CaO_Err, 'Na2O_{}'.format(elx): Na2O_Err, 'K2O_{}'.format(elx): K2O_Err, 'Cr2O3_{}'.format(elx): Cr2O3_Err,
'P2O5_{}'.format(elx): P2O5_Err, 'H2O_{}'.format(elx): H2O_Err})
mynoisedDataframe = mynoisedDataframe.reindex(
df_ideal_liq.columns, axis=1).fillna(0)
mynoisedDataframe = mynoisedDataframe.apply(
pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(0)
if variable == "T_K":
mynoisedDataframe['P_kbar'] = P_kbar_Err
if variable == "P_kbar":
mynoisedDataframe['T_K'] = T_K_Err
mynoisedDataframe['Sample_ID_{}_Num'.format(elx)] = Sample_name_num
mynoisedDataframe['Sample_ID_{}'.format(elx)] = Sample_name_str
if positive is True:
num = mynoisedDataframe._get_numeric_data()
num[num < 0] = 0
print('All negative numbers replaced with zeros. '\
'If you wish to keep these, set positive=False')
if append is True:
mynoisedDataframe2 = pd.concat([Sample_c, mynoisedDataframe], axis=0)
return mynoisedDataframe2
return mynoisedDataframe
def calculate_bootstrap_mixes(
endmember1, endmember2, num_samples, self_mixing=False):
'''Specify 2 end-members, generates synthetic liquids from mixing between these end-members
endmember1: pandas.DataFrame
Panda DataFrame of liquid compositions for end-member 1, with column headings SiO2_Liq etc.
endmember2: pandas.DataFrame
Panda DataFrame of liquid compositions for end-member 2, with column headings SiO2_Liq etc.
num_samples: float or int
If num_samples is less than the length of the end members, will randomly resample liquids entered to get to sufficient N.
If num_samples greater than length of end members, will randomly downsample liquids to N=num_samples.
self_mixing: None, False, True, "Partial"
If None or False, will mix 2 end members in various proportions, but no mixing between end members
If True, will mix between samples from a given end member as well as between the 2 end members.
If Partial, half of outputted liquids will be generated by mixing within and between end members, and the other half from mixing between end members.
pandas DataFrame
synthetic liquids generated by mixing between end-members with column headings "SiO2_Liq" etc.
Elements = ['SiO2_Liq', 'TiO2_Liq', 'Al2O3_Liq', 'FeOt_Liq', 'FeOt_Liq',
'MnO_Liq', 'MgO_Liq', 'CaO_Liq', 'Na2O_Liq', 'K2O_Liq', 'Cr2O3_Liq',
'P2O5_Liq', 'H2O_Liq']
f = np.repeat(np.random.uniform(0, 1, (num_samples, 1)),
(len(Elements)), axis=1)
# Takes half mixes from self mixing, half from mixing between defined
# end-members
if self_mixing == "Partial":
# self mixing part
my_dataset3_self = pd.concat([endmember1, endmember2], ignore_index=True)
endmember1_self = my_dataset3_self[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
endmember2_self = my_dataset3_self[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
combined_model_self = endmember1_self * f + endmember2_self * (1 - f)
# normal mixing part
endmember1 = endmember1[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
endmember2 = endmember2[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
combined_model = endmember1 * f + endmember2 * (1 - f)
myDataframe_self = pd.DataFrame()
for ix, my_el in enumerate(Elements):
myDataframe_self[my_el] = combined_model_self[:, ix]
myDataframe_mix = pd.DataFrame()
for ix, my_el in enumerate(Elements):
myDataframe_mix[my_el] = combined_model[:, ix]
myDataframe = pd.concat([myDataframe_mix, myDataframe_self], )
myDataframe = myDataframe.sample(n=num_samples, replace=True)
if self_mixing is True:
my_dataset3 = pd.concat([endmember1, endmember2], ignore_index=True)
endmember1 = my_dataset3[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
endmember2 = my_dataset3[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
if self_mixing is False or self_mixing is None:
endmember1 = endmember1[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
endmember2 = endmember2[Elements].sample(
n=num_samples, replace=True).to_numpy()
if self_mixing is False or self_mixing is None or self_mixing is True:
combined_model = endmember1 * f + endmember2 * (1 - f)
myDataframe = pd.DataFrame()
for ix, my_el in enumerate(Elements):
myDataframe[my_el] = combined_model[:, ix]
myDataframe = myDataframe.fillna(0)
return myDataframe # , f, endmember1, endmember2