YouTube Tutorials

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We recommend readers go through the associated notebooks for each of their tutorials in their own time to read the detailed descriptions. These videos are only an introductory guide! Files available from: Click the green “Code” button in the top right, then “download zip”, unzip, and open the “Examples” folder. Or you can download the files directly from this website.

Why did we develop Thermobar

A short introduction to the motivation behind developing Thermobar.

Introduction to Thermobar

A short video introducing Thermobar including how to import and save data, simple calculations

**Useful files:

Liquid-only Thermometry

An example of how to perform liquid only thermometry. We cover the different ways to select the pressure and water content at which to perform calculations, as well as saving calculated temperatures to excel.

**Useful files:

Olivine-Liquid Thermometry

This video shows how to calculate Olivine-Liquid temperatures, as well as:
  • various ways to assess whether Ol-Liq pairs are in equilibrium

  • calculating equilibrium Ol Fo contents using just a liquid composition for a variety of Kd models

  • plotting olivine and liquid compositions on a Rhodes diagram

  • converting buffer values to Fe3FeT proportions

**Useful files:

Clinopyroxene-Liquid Melt Matching 1 (simpler)

This video recreates the Cpx-Liq melt matching results from [Gleeson et al., 2020]. It shows how to calculate all possible matches between inputted Cpx and Liq compositions, and how to change the equilibrium filters for assessing equilibrium matches (Kd, EnFs, DiHd, CaTs), how to plot calculated pressures and temperatures etc.

**Useful files:

Clinopyroxene-Liquid Melt Matching 2 (advanced)

This video builds on the video above, and shows how the approach of [Scruggs and Putirka, 2018] can be recreated in python.

Synthetic liquid compositions are produced by adding noise and bootstrapping, and then all possible matches are considered between measured liquids + synthetic liquids + measured Cpxs.

**Useful files:

Amphibole-only and Amphibole-Liquid (advanced)

Demonstrates amphibole-only and amphibole-Liquid thermobarometry, hygrometry and chemometry, including equilibrium tests.

**Useful files:

Feldspar-Liquid thermobarometry and hygrometry

Demonstrates plagioclase-liquid and kspar-liquid thermometry, and plagioclase-liquid hygrometry. We discuss equilibrium tests, and iteration between Temp and H2O for hygrometers.

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Two Feldspar thermometry

Demonstrates two feldspar thermometry, along with discussion of how to apply various equilibrium filters.

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Integration with VESIcal

Demonstrates how to combine Thermobar and VESIcal to calculate temperatures at which to calculate saturation pressures.

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