This page was generated from docs/Examples/Cpx_Cpx_Liq_Thermobarometry/Cpx_Liquid_melt_matching/Cpx_MeltMatch1_Gleeson2020.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge.

Python Notebook Download

Cpx-Liquid Melt Matching (Simple Intro)

You need to install Thermobar once on your machine, if you haven’t done this yet, uncomment the line below (remove the #)

#!pip install Thermobar

This imports all the python things you need

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

!pip install Thermobar
import Thermobar as pt
Requirement already satisfied: Thermobar in g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src (1.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (1.4.4)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (1.24.2)
Requirement already satisfied: python-ternary in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (1.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (3.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (1.9.1)
Requirement already satisfied: statsmodels in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (0.13.2)
Requirement already satisfied: openpyxl in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from Thermobar) (3.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (21.3)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (4.25.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (9.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib->Thermobar) (1.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: et_xmlfile in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from openpyxl->Thermobar) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas->Thermobar) (2022.1)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=0.11 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn->Thermobar) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn->Thermobar) (2.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: patsy>=0.5.2 in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from statsmodels->Thermobar) (0.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from patsy>=0.5.2->statsmodels->Thermobar) (1.16.0)

This sets plotting parameters

# This sets some plotting things
plt.rcParams[""] = 'arial'
plt.rcParams["font.size"] =12
plt.rcParams["mathtext.default"] = "regular"
plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "dejavusans"
plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 1
plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1
plt.rcParams["xtick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 6 # Sets length of ticks
plt.rcParams["ytick.major.size"] = 4 # Sets length of ticks
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 12 # Sets size of numbers on tick marks
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 12 # Sets size of numbers on tick marks
plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 14 # Overall title
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 14 # Axes labels

Loading in Data

  • Gleeson et al (2020) had cpxs in the sheet “cpxs” and liquids in the “melts” tab

  • If you are loading your own data, your column headings need to be “Sample_ID”, “SiO2_Liq”, “MgO_Cpx” etc. e.g., oxide, then underscore, capital letter for phase. However, the order of columns doesnt matter

# Loading Liquids
out=pt.import_excel('Gleeson2020JPET_Input_Pyroxene_Melts.xlsx', sheet_name="Melts")

# Loading Cpxs from a different sheet
out2=pt.import_excel('Gleeson2020JPET_Input_Pyroxene_Melts.xlsx', sheet_name="Cpxs")

# This loads in published barometry from Gleeson et al.
# You can delete this from your system, or swap it for something else useful.
Published=pd.read_excel('Gleeson2020JPET_Input_Pyroxene_Melts.xlsx', sheet_name="NP_Out")

# You can check inputs have read in right using .head(). Check for columns of zeros where you expected data
SiO2_Liq TiO2_Liq Al2O3_Liq FeOt_Liq MnO_Liq MgO_Liq CaO_Liq Na2O_Liq K2O_Liq Cr2O3_Liq P2O5_Liq H2O_Liq Fe3Fet_Liq NiO_Liq CoO_Liq CO2_Liq Sample_ID_Liq
0 47.1519 1.7168 15.5321 9.7208 0.1888 5.939515 12.3617 3.7556 1.1877 0.0 0.2766 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17MMSG12_1
1 46.7277 1.7708 15.4931 9.5435 0.2096 6.098350 12.3699 3.7058 1.2644 0.0 0.1887 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17MMSG12_2
2 47.5265 1.8483 15.7152 9.6930 0.1678 6.184563 12.3625 3.5107 1.2066 0.0 0.2055 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17MMSG12_3
3 47.2916 1.7307 15.5250 9.3999 0.1588 6.322718 12.3696 3.9281 1.2285 0.0 0.2406 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17MMSG12_4
4 47.2260 1.8009 15.6438 9.0440 0.2213 6.069612 12.4081 3.8352 1.1339 0.0 0.1894 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17MMSG12_5
SiO2_Cpx TiO2_Cpx Al2O3_Cpx FeOt_Cpx MnO_Cpx MgO_Cpx CaO_Cpx Na2O_Cpx K2O_Cpx Cr2O3_Cpx Sample_ID_Cpx
0 51.0169 0.5104 4.2921 3.9184 0.1135 15.9773 21.5003 0.3828 0.0 0.9642 17MMSG16_1
1 51.0208 0.5145 4.2768 3.7697 0.0917 15.9326 21.6712 0.3820 0.0 1.0514 17MMSG16_2
2 51.2990 0.4869 4.4177 3.7014 0.0983 15.9157 21.7450 0.3787 0.0 1.1905 17MMSG16_3
3 49.7147 0.7249 6.2489 3.9880 0.1128 15.0415 21.6397 0.4081 0.0 1.3550 17MMSG16_4
4 49.9807 0.7351 6.1948 4.0468 0.0951 14.9777 21.5061 0.3969 0.0 1.4862 17MMSG16_5
  • You can use help to get the documentation for this function to see the options/required inputs.

Help on function calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching in module Thermobar.clinopyroxene_thermobarometry:

calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(*, liq_comps, cpx_comps, equationT=None, equationP=None, P=None, T=None, PMax=30, PMin=-10, Fe3Fet_Liq=None, Kd_Match='Putirka', Kd_Err=0.03, DiHd_Err=0.06, EnFs_Err=0.05, CaTs_Err=0.03, Cpx_Quality=False, H2O_Liq=None, return_all_pairs=False, iterations=30)
    Evaluates all possible Opx-Liq pairs from  N Liquids, M Cpx compositions
    returns P (kbar) and T (K) for those in equilibrium.


    liq_comps: pandas.DataFrame
        Panda DataFrame of liquid compositions with column headings SiO2_Liq etc.

    cpx_comps: pandas.DataFrame
        Panda DataFrame of cpx compositions with column headings SiO2_Cpx etc.

    equationT: str
        Specify equation for cpx thermometry (options):

        |  T_Put1996_eqT1  (P-indep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Mas2013_eqTalk1  (P-indep, H2O-indep, alk adaption of T1)
        |  T_Brug2019  (P-indep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Put1996_eqT2 (P-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Mas2013_eqTalk2  (P-dep, H2O-indep, alk adaption of T2)
        |  T_Put1999  (P-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Put2003  (P-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Put1999  (P-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  T_Put2008_eq33  (P-dep, H2O-dep)
        |  T_Mas2013_eqalk33  (P-dep, H2O-dep, alk adaption of eq33)
        |  T_Mas2013_Palk2012 (P-indep, H2O_dep)

    equationP: str
        specify equation for cpx barometry (options):

        |  P_Put1996_eqP1 (T-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  P_Mas2013_eqPalk1 (T-dep, H2O-indep, alk adaption of P1)
        |  P_Put1996_eqP2 (T-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  P_Mas2013_eqPalk2 (T-dep, H2O-indep, alk adaption of P2)
        |  P_Put2003 ((T-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  P_Neave2017 (T-dep, H2O-indep)
        |  P_Put2008_eq30 (T-dep, H2O-dep)
        |  P_Put2008_eq31 (T-dep, H2O-dep)
        |  P_Put2008_eq32c (T-dep, H2O-dep)
        |  P_Mas2013_eqalk32c (T-dep, H2O-dep, alk adaption of 32c)


    T: int, float
        Can also run calculations at a fixed temperature
    P: int, float
        Can also run calculations at a fixed pressure

    Kd_Match: int, str, optional
        allows users to override the default of calculating Kd Fe-Mg based
        on temperature using eq 35 of putirka
        Set at fixed value (e.g., Kd_Match=0.27)
        specify Kd_Match=Masotta to use the Kd model fo Masotta et al. (2013),
        which is also a function of Na and K, for trachytic and phonolitic magmas.

    Kd_Err: int or float, Default=0.03
        Allows users to specify the permitted error on Kd Fe-Mg (default=0.03 from Neave et al. 2019)

    DiHd_Err: int or float, optional. Default=0.06
        Allows users to specify the permitted error on DiHd (default=0.06 from Neave et al. 2019)
        Compares measured and calculated values from Mollo et al. (2013)

    EnFs_Err: int or float, optional. Default=0.05
        Allows users to specify the permitted error on EnFs (default=0.05 from Neave et al. 2019)
        Compares measured and calculated values from Mollo et al. (2013)

    CaTs_Err: int or float, optional. Default=0.03
        Allows users to specify the permitted error on CaTs (default=0.03 from Neave et al. 2019)
        Compares measured and calculated values from Putirka (1999).

    Fe3Fet_Liq: float, int, pandas.Series, optional
        Fe3Fet ratio used to assess Kd Fe-Mg equilibrium between cpx and melt.
        If users don't specify, uses Fe3Fet_Liq from liq_comps.
        If specified, overwrites the Fe3Fet_Liq column in the liquid input.

    H2O_Liq: float, int, pandas.Series, optional
        If users don't specify, uses H2O_Liq from liq_comps, if specified overwrites this.

    Cpx Quality: bool, optional
        Default False. If True, filters out clinopyroxenes with cation sums outside of
        4.02-3.99 (after Neave et al. 2017)

    PMax: int or float,  optional

       Default value of 30 kbar. Uses to apply a preliminary KdFe-Mg filter
       based on the T equation specified by the user.

    PMin: int or float, optional
       Default value of -10 kbar. Uses to apply a preliminary KdFe-Mg filter
       based on the T equation specified by the user.

    Returns: dict

        Av_PTs: Average P and T for each cpx.
        E.g., if cpx1 matches Liq1, Liq4, Liq6, Liq10, averages outputs for all 4 of those liquids.
        Returns mean and 1 sigma of these averaged parameters for each Cpx.

        All_PTs: Returns output parameters for all matches (e.g, cpx1-Liq1, cpx1-Liq4) without any averaging.

Example 1 - Default melt matching function options

  • Initially, we use the default, where all equilibrium criteria are considered.

  • We specify the H2O content of the liquid is 0.5 wt%

  • This returns a dictionary, containing 2 pandas dataframes. The first df labelled All_PTs gives the Pressures and temps for every single cpx-liq match, while the dataframe labelled Av_PTs averages all the parameters for each cpx. So if Cpx1 matches Liq1, Liq9, Liq 13, those three pressures and temperatures would be averaged.


# Here we use Neave 2017 for P, and equation 33 from Putirka 2008 for T at H2O=0.5 wt% MM1=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1, equationP="P_Neave2017", equationT="T_Put2008_eq33", H2O_Liq=0.5, iterations=30) # These lines extract pandas dataframes from the dictionary MM1 # All matches MM1_All=MM1['All_PTs'] # Averaged match per Cpx (following Neave...) MM1_Av=MM1['Av_PTs']
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
3631 Matches remaining after initial Kd filter. Now moving onto iterative calculations
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=34 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=3 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
  • Here, we inspect the average per Cpx, and see that only 3 Cpx analyses were found to have a match to any inputted liquid

  • One Cpx matches 28 liquids, another Cpx matches 4 liquids, and the final one matches 2 liquids.

  • You can tell from the Sample_ID_Cpx column which Cpxs these were (#64, 65, 66)

Sample_ID_Cpx # of Liqs Averaged Mean_T_K_calc Std_T_K_calc Mean_P_kbar_calc Std_P_kbar_calc ID_CPX Mean_Delta_T_K_Iter Mean_Delta_P_kbar_Iter Mean_Delta_Kd_Put2008 ... Std_Delta_EnFs_I_M_Mollo13 Std_CaTs_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CaTs_I_M_Put1999 Std_CrCaTs_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CrCaTs_I_M_Put1999 Std_CaTi_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CaTi_I_M_Put1999 Std_Jd_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_Jd_Put1999 Std_Delta_Jd_I_M_Put1999
0 17MMSG16_64 28 1483.741762 20.458238 5.774846 0.598899 63 0.0 0.0 0.011725 ... 0.011676 0.000774 0.000774 0.0 0.0 0.003455 0.003334 0.001987 0.001987 0.001987
1 17MMSG16_65 4 1527.514642 7.965623 7.004365 0.163063 64 0.0 0.0 0.021093 ... 0.005158 0.000236 0.000236 0.0 0.0 0.002485 0.002485 0.000572 0.000572 0.000572
2 17MMSG16_66 2 1524.073696 6.637660 6.419271 0.146893 65 0.0 0.0 0.025916 ... 0.004697 0.000310 0.000310 0.0 0.0 0.000816 0.000816 0.000894 0.000894 0.000894

3 rows × 271 columns

We can also run calculations at a fixed temperature (1450 K)

MM1_fixedT=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                        equationP="P_Neave2017", T=1450,

# These lines extract pandas dataframes from the dictionary MM1
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=42 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=3 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src\Thermobar\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src\Thermobar\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src\Thermobar\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  combo_liq_cpx_fur_filt.drop(["Sample_ID_Liq"], axis=1, inplace=True)
g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src\Thermobar\ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  combo_liq_cpx_fur_filt.rename(columns={'T_K_calc': 'T_K_input'}, inplace=True)
Sample_ID_Cpx P_kbar_calc T_K_input Eq Tests Neave2017? Delta_Kd_Put2008 Delta_Kd_Mas2013 Delta_EnFs_Mollo13 Delta_EnFs_Put1999 Delta_CaTs_Put1999 Delta_DiHd_Mollo13 ... Delta_EnFs_I_M_Mollo13 CaTs_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CaTs_I_M_Put1999 CrCaTs_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CrCaTs_I_M_Put1999 CaTi_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CaTi_I_M_Put1999 Jd_Pred_Put1999 Delta_Jd_Put1999 Delta_Jd_I_M_Put1999
10317 17MMSG16_64 6.898724 1450 True 0.025861 0.079702 0.013569 0.004727 0.023827 0.046822 ... 0.013569 0.014860 -0.023827 0.0 0.018583 0.034450 0.007844 0.008802 0.017738 0.017738
10324 17MMSG16_64 5.621206 1450 True 0.009732 0.109236 0.043536 0.016078 0.025944 0.016473 ... 0.043536 0.012743 -0.025944 0.0 0.018583 0.028295 0.013999 0.010903 0.015637 0.015637
10328 17MMSG16_64 6.562306 1450 True 0.001378 0.070648 0.007186 0.006384 0.024758 0.015500 ... 0.007186 0.013928 -0.024758 0.0 0.018583 0.030990 0.011304 0.008573 0.017967 0.017967
10329 17MMSG16_64 5.461770 1450 True 0.008311 0.095186 0.000852 0.002116 0.024891 0.000008 ... 0.000852 0.013796 -0.024891 0.0 0.018583 0.034307 0.007987 0.011389 0.015151 0.015151
10330 17MMSG16_64 5.573106 1450 True 0.017770 0.109354 0.038498 0.017576 0.025572 0.011095 ... 0.038498 0.013115 -0.025572 0.0 0.018583 0.025677 0.016617 0.010372 0.016167 0.016167

5 rows × 131 columns

Or at fixed pressure (5 kbar here)

MM1_fixedP=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                        P=5, equationT="T_Put2008_eq33",

# These lines extract pandas dataframes from the dictionary MM1
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=34 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=3 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

Example 1 b

  • We see that we only get 3 Cpx that matched. We might want to look at the distribution of equilibrium tests to work out what parameters to use

  • We can do this using return_all_pairs=True, then we can plot up the equilibrium test results


# Here we use Neave 2017 for P, and equation 33 from Putirka 2008 for T at H2O=0.5 wt% MM_allpairs=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1, equationP="P_Neave2017", equationT="T_Put2008_eq33", H2O_Liq=0.5, return_all_pairs=True) # These lines extract pandas dataframes from the dictionary MM1 # All matches MM_allpairs_All=MM_allpairs['All_PTs'] # Averaged match per Cpx (following Neave...) MM_allpairs_Av=MM_allpairs['Av_PTs']
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
No equilibrium filters applied
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=12714 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=78 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
## You can see column names like this
Index(['Sample_ID_Cpx', '# of Liqs Averaged', 'Mean_T_K_calc', 'Std_T_K_calc',
       'Mean_P_kbar_calc', 'Std_P_kbar_calc', 'ID_CPX',
       'Mean_Delta_Kd_Put2008', 'Mean_Delta_Kd_Mas2013',
       'Mean_Delta_EnFs_Mollo13', 'Mean_Delta_EnFs_Put1999',
       'Mean_Delta_CaTs_Put1999', 'Mean_Delta_DiHd_Mollo13',
       'Mean_Delta_DiHd_Put1999', 'Mean_Delta_CrCaTs_Put1999',
       'Mean_Delta_CaTi_Put1999', 'Mean_SiO2_Liq', 'Mean_TiO2_Liq',
       'Mean_Al2O3_Liq', 'Mean_FeOt_Liq', 'Mean_MnO_Liq', 'Mean_MgO_Liq',
       'Mean_CaO_Liq', 'Mean_Na2O_Liq', 'Mean_K2O_Liq', 'Mean_Cr2O3_Liq',
       'Mean_P2O5_Liq', 'Mean_H2O_Liq', 'Mean_Fe3Fet_Liq', 'Mean_NiO_Liq',
       'Mean_CoO_Liq', 'Mean_CO2_Liq', 'Mean_SiO2_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_MgO_Liq_mol_frac', 'Mean_MnO_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_FeOt_Liq_mol_frac', 'Mean_CaO_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_Al2O3_Liq_mol_frac', 'Mean_Na2O_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_K2O_Liq_mol_frac', 'Mean_TiO2_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_P2O5_Liq_mol_frac', 'Mean_Cr2O3_Liq_mol_frac',
       'Mean_Si_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Mg_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Mn_Liq_cat_frac',
       'Mean_Fet_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Ca_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Al_Liq_cat_frac',
       'Mean_Na_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_K_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Ti_Liq_cat_frac',
       'Mean_P_Liq_cat_frac', 'Mean_Cr_Liq_cat_frac',
       'Mean_Mg_Number_Liq_NoFe3', 'Mean_Mg_Number_Liq_Fe3', 'Mean_ID_Liq',
       'Mean_SiO2_Cpx', 'Mean_TiO2_Cpx', 'Mean_Al2O3_Cpx', 'Mean_FeOt_Cpx',
       'Mean_MnO_Cpx', 'Mean_MgO_Cpx', 'Mean_CaO_Cpx', 'Mean_Na2O_Cpx',
       'Mean_K2O_Cpx', 'Mean_Cr2O3_Cpx', 'Mean_Si_Cpx_cat_6ox',
       'Mean_Mg_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Fet_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Ca_Cpx_cat_6ox',
       'Mean_Al_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Na_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_K_Cpx_cat_6ox',
       'Mean_Mn_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Ti_Cpx_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Cr_Cpx_cat_6ox',
       'Mean_oxy_renorm_factor', 'Mean_Al_IV_cat_6ox', 'Mean_Al_VI_cat_6ox',
       'Mean_En_Simple_MgFeCa_Cpx', 'Mean_Fs_Simple_MgFeCa_Cpx',
       'Mean_Wo_Simple_MgFeCa_Cpx', 'Mean_Cation_Sum_Cpx', 'Mean_Ca_CaMgFe',
       'Mean_Lindley_Fe3_Cpx', 'Mean_Lindley_Fe2_Cpx',
       'Mean_Lindley_Fe3_Cpx_prop', 'Mean_CrCaTs', 'Mean_a_cpx_En',
       'Mean_Mgno_Cpx', 'Mean_Jd', 'Mean_Jd_from 0=Na, 1=Al', 'Mean_CaTs',
       'Mean_CaTi', 'Mean_DiHd_1996', 'Mean_EnFs', 'Mean_DiHd_2003',
       'Mean_Di_Cpx', 'Mean_FeIII_Wang21'],
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize = (12,10))
ax1.hist(MM_allpairs_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008'], ec='k')
ax1.set_xlabel('Delta KD Putirka (2008)')

ax2.hist(MM_allpairs_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13'], ec='k')

ax3.hist(MM_allpairs_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13'], ec='k')

ax4.hist(MM_allpairs_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999'], ec='k')

Text(0.5, 0, 'Delta_CaTs_Put1999')

We can adapt the filters to get more matches

  • Here, folowing Gleeson et al. 2020, we specify that we wish to consider pairs which pass the DiHd, CaTs and EnFs equilibrium tests with sigma = 2.

  • To make the function most customizable, instead of just entering a sigma, you can enter an _Err for each equilibrium test to define what filters you want. E.g. here we consider matches within +/- 0.03 for Kd, but +-0.06 for CaTs, DiHd, and +-0.1 for EnFs. These are the “pass” values from Neave et al. (2019) for CaTs, DiHd and EnFs multiplied by 2

MM1_2s=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                        equationP="P_Neave2017", equationT="T_Put2008_eq33",
                                        Kd_Err=0.03, EnFs_Err=0.1, DiHd_Err=0.12,
# These lines extract pandas dataframes from the dictionary MM1
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
3892 Matches remaining after initial Kd filter. Now moving onto iterative calculations
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=1008 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=54 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

We can look and see we get a lot more matches.

Sample_ID_Cpx # of Liqs Averaged Mean_T_K_calc Std_T_K_calc Mean_P_kbar_calc Std_P_kbar_calc ID_CPX Mean_Delta_Kd_Put2008 Mean_Delta_Kd_Mas2013 Mean_Delta_EnFs_Mollo13 ... Std_Delta_EnFs_I_M_Mollo13 Std_CaTs_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CaTs_I_M_Put1999 Std_CrCaTs_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CrCaTs_I_M_Put1999 Std_CaTi_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_CaTi_I_M_Put1999 Std_Jd_Pred_Put1999 Std_Delta_Jd_Put1999 Std_Delta_Jd_I_M_Put1999
0 17MMSG16_1 41 1485.889871 24.563876 6.181435 0.702366 0 0.017003 0.109085 0.034090 ... 0.015727 0.001063 0.001063 0.0 0.0 0.003347 0.002276 0.001916 0.001916 0.001916
1 17MMSG16_2 42 1481.111278 22.899738 6.043041 0.675803 1 0.014476 0.108837 0.040860 ... 0.016491 0.001058 0.001058 0.0 0.0 0.003308 0.002076 0.001858 0.001858 0.001858
2 17MMSG16_3 48 1478.881332 20.342782 5.946874 0.672108 2 0.014329 0.107455 0.048397 ... 0.016401 0.001067 0.001067 0.0 0.0 0.003941 0.002634 0.001926 0.001926 0.001926
3 17MMSG16_4 12 1508.719399 13.984144 7.269439 0.698513 3 0.016959 0.113074 0.041563 ... 0.010652 0.001745 0.001745 0.0 0.0 0.002842 0.002842 0.001712 0.001712 0.001712
4 17MMSG16_5 2 1504.328416 12.762583 7.987680 0.609534 4 0.015726 0.112612 0.035519 ... 0.017390 0.002786 0.002786 0.0 0.0 0.004185 0.004185 0.001962 0.001962 0.001962
5 17MMSG16_6 11 1468.442918 27.311896 6.360127 0.481471 5 0.017424 0.112557 0.060445 ... 0.023139 0.001463 0.001463 0.0 0.0 0.009994 0.005090 0.002061 0.002061 0.002061
6 17MMSG16_7 1 1488.553479 NaN 7.293616 NaN 6 0.017285 0.106398 0.026222 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 17MMSG16_8 3 1497.688206 24.208102 7.131719 0.458597 7 0.022747 0.106427 0.032062 ... 0.013816 0.000806 0.000806 0.0 0.0 0.017912 0.001510 0.004366 0.004366 0.004366
8 17MMSG16_9 14 1478.123890 30.729723 7.116592 0.838216 8 0.013937 0.111672 0.057300 ... 0.019389 0.002407 0.002407 0.0 0.0 0.003769 0.003769 0.002502 0.002502 0.002502
9 17MMSG16_15 41 1488.886000 26.181968 6.703865 0.716215 14 0.018076 0.108948 0.045087 ... 0.016411 0.001136 0.001136 0.0 0.0 0.003261 0.002201 0.001912 0.001912 0.001912
10 17MMSG16_16 42 1487.353992 23.120144 6.116487 0.680899 15 0.014177 0.107697 0.033822 ... 0.017744 0.001130 0.001130 0.0 0.0 0.003194 0.002012 0.001858 0.001858 0.001858
11 17MMSG16_17 38 1488.119090 26.755005 6.347794 0.710585 16 0.018082 0.110828 0.045613 ... 0.017549 0.001190 0.001190 0.0 0.0 0.003193 0.002312 0.001866 0.001866 0.001866
12 17MMSG16_18 24 1486.626170 30.720472 6.596753 0.797696 17 0.017821 0.107680 0.047007 ... 0.019286 0.001817 0.001817 0.0 0.0 0.003515 0.002275 0.002127 0.002127 0.002127
13 17MMSG16_19 31 1488.144727 29.126235 6.596542 0.690676 18 0.017452 0.107400 0.035286 ... 0.017125 0.001087 0.001087 0.0 0.0 0.003583 0.002398 0.001913 0.001913 0.001913
14 17MMSG16_23 2 1516.099263 8.783466 11.129027 0.922784 22 0.015429 0.024621 0.007368 ... 0.000384 0.000435 0.000435 0.0 0.0 0.003083 0.003083 0.001316 0.001316 0.001316
15 17MMSG16_25 17 1487.199233 30.379454 7.797178 0.804796 24 0.014354 0.110045 0.040049 ... 0.017164 0.002152 0.002152 0.0 0.0 0.003870 0.003714 0.002319 0.002319 0.002319
16 17MMSG16_26 2 1517.033574 13.157843 9.192633 0.638309 25 0.016485 0.122640 0.024599 ... 0.016140 0.002642 0.002642 0.0 0.0 0.004291 0.000696 0.001962 0.001962 0.001962
17 17MMSG16_27 13 1468.680275 32.487084 6.201820 0.807941 26 0.016732 0.110118 0.055827 ... 0.019313 0.002292 0.002292 0.0 0.0 0.003975 0.003975 0.002578 0.002578 0.002578
18 17MMSG16_28 1 1481.335296 NaN 6.628711 NaN 27 0.012402 0.111280 0.024218 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
19 17MMSG16_31 4 1484.167312 22.260242 8.608298 1.158593 30 0.018221 0.077493 0.008053 ... 0.006173 0.001667 0.001667 0.0 0.0 0.011392 0.010853 0.003890 0.003890 0.003890
20 17MMSG16_32 3 1493.347508 15.766560 9.022041 1.021551 31 0.020157 0.056568 0.009968 ... 0.005500 0.001333 0.001333 0.0 0.0 0.005092 0.005092 0.002447 0.002447 0.002447
21 17MMSG16_33 7 1466.794930 26.303530 7.771733 1.082330 32 0.022224 0.076776 0.011582 ... 0.019652 0.003312 0.003312 0.0 0.0 0.012156 0.012156 0.005247 0.005247 0.005247
22 17MMSG16_41 2 1484.939273 12.232729 6.729527 0.575435 40 0.015522 0.112878 0.028812 ... 0.015094 0.002203 0.002203 0.0 0.0 0.004677 0.003916 0.001961 0.001961 0.001961
23 17MMSG16_42 15 1470.419150 30.552638 6.507811 0.799564 41 0.013192 0.109001 0.034984 ... 0.016686 0.002044 0.002044 0.0 0.0 0.004277 0.004010 0.002403 0.002403 0.002403
24 17MMSG16_43 3 1487.005177 22.572010 7.104371 0.872211 42 0.020541 0.105120 0.013477 ... 0.012230 0.002087 0.002087 0.0 0.0 0.017480 0.015351 0.005004 0.005004 0.005004
25 17MMSG16_44 14 1466.049303 6.756044 5.164047 0.138327 43 0.020988 0.121122 0.060390 ... 0.002272 0.000392 0.000392 0.0 0.0 0.005397 0.005397 0.000948 0.000948 0.000948
26 17MMSG16_46 1 1450.992064 NaN 6.131601 NaN 45 0.022115 0.126785 0.019921 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
27 17MMSG16_47 6 1478.389492 30.427140 7.919723 1.160778 46 0.018992 0.094339 0.012751 ... 0.019967 0.003332 0.003332 0.0 0.0 0.009684 0.009684 0.003889 0.003889 0.003889
28 17MMSG16_48 6 1461.641359 25.435532 6.906666 1.075573 47 0.017849 0.087092 0.013369 ... 0.018997 0.002753 0.002753 0.0 0.0 0.009734 0.009734 0.003593 0.003593 0.003593
29 17MMSG16_49 4 1459.812687 21.434169 7.278039 0.511793 48 0.019831 0.102896 0.014924 ... 0.021996 0.002708 0.002708 0.0 0.0 0.012413 0.007813 0.002384 0.002384 0.002384
30 17MMSG16_50 5 1465.445525 19.200524 7.625287 0.449292 49 0.017306 0.096452 0.013228 ... 0.019041 0.002445 0.002445 0.0 0.0 0.010740 0.008390 0.002292 0.002292 0.002292
31 17MMSG16_51 5 1469.018640 28.869263 7.788495 1.207809 50 0.019463 0.089174 0.014356 ... 0.021085 0.003127 0.003127 0.0 0.0 0.010777 0.010777 0.004006 0.004006 0.004006
32 17MMSG16_52 6 1470.735693 25.889162 7.709866 1.098808 51 0.018743 0.084041 0.013599 ... 0.019372 0.002875 0.002875 0.0 0.0 0.009529 0.009415 0.003594 0.003594 0.003594
33 17MMSG16_53 4 1461.603342 21.507755 7.497221 0.515600 52 0.019794 0.101870 0.016555 ... 0.022205 0.002752 0.002752 0.0 0.0 0.012317 0.008822 0.002384 0.002384 0.002384
34 17MMSG16_54 6 1468.339060 25.775449 7.560598 1.093696 53 0.018288 0.085621 0.014316 ... 0.019271 0.002847 0.002847 0.0 0.0 0.009574 0.005766 0.003594 0.003594 0.003594
35 17MMSG16_55 6 1475.419684 26.119400 8.068702 1.109918 54 0.017422 0.088739 0.013183 ... 0.019618 0.002941 0.002941 0.0 0.0 0.009423 0.008640 0.003594 0.003594 0.003594
36 17MMSG16_56 6 1467.958418 26.131909 7.400169 1.104021 55 0.020948 0.080256 0.012871 ... 0.020907 0.002898 0.002898 0.0 0.0 0.009950 0.008418 0.003620 0.003620 0.003620
37 17MMSG16_57 5 1477.542978 19.061539 8.235879 1.005935 56 0.018641 0.071813 0.010880 ... 0.006270 0.001389 0.001389 0.0 0.0 0.010346 0.009841 0.003371 0.003371 0.003371
38 17MMSG16_58 5 1477.558853 19.608754 8.134983 1.054776 57 0.017729 0.078405 0.011768 ... 0.006724 0.001446 0.001446 0.0 0.0 0.010083 0.009600 0.003371 0.003371 0.003371
39 17MMSG16_60 1 1510.282641 NaN 9.941902 NaN 59 0.024036 0.027654 0.005248 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
40 17MMSG16_63 14 1500.519635 15.260532 6.416086 0.696749 62 0.015229 0.102342 0.048159 ... 0.010220 0.000660 0.000660 0.0 0.0 0.003081 0.003081 0.001665 0.001665 0.001665
41 17MMSG16_64 51 1477.815669 22.546369 5.778123 0.650738 63 0.014993 0.101857 0.045509 ... 0.017546 0.001118 0.001118 0.0 0.0 0.003737 0.003667 0.001768 0.001768 0.001768
42 17MMSG16_65 59 1484.092363 20.177984 6.336113 0.609397 64 0.014676 0.101845 0.051491 ... 0.017277 0.001121 0.001121 0.0 0.0 0.003646 0.003220 0.001727 0.001727 0.001727
43 17MMSG16_66 59 1480.284084 20.014002 5.790472 0.601774 65 0.014602 0.102233 0.043788 ... 0.017151 0.001095 0.001095 0.0 0.0 0.003690 0.002957 0.001727 0.001727 0.001727
44 17MMSG16_67 53 1481.980241 20.231170 5.970434 0.636838 66 0.015777 0.101115 0.044789 ... 0.016580 0.001104 0.001104 0.0 0.0 0.003672 0.003516 0.001691 0.001691 0.001691
45 17MMSG16_68 47 1481.370873 21.662019 6.333638 0.672169 67 0.017513 0.110048 0.046434 ... 0.014251 0.000988 0.000988 0.0 0.0 0.003448 0.003122 0.001912 0.001912 0.001912
46 17MMSG16_69 17 1473.621605 33.602175 6.452342 0.842672 68 0.014151 0.105720 0.052688 ... 0.018308 0.002037 0.002037 0.0 0.0 0.004104 0.004104 0.002563 0.002563 0.002563
47 17MMSG16_70 38 1482.932831 26.888222 6.325916 0.729869 69 0.017481 0.109445 0.038525 ... 0.015194 0.001061 0.001061 0.0 0.0 0.003433 0.002620 0.001956 0.001956 0.001956
48 17MMSG16_71 36 1480.126635 28.341597 6.112875 0.697415 70 0.018407 0.110369 0.044493 ... 0.015750 0.001049 0.001049 0.0 0.0 0.003518 0.002461 0.001872 0.001872 0.001872
49 17MMSG16_72 49 1477.049409 23.385781 5.736961 0.716733 71 0.014679 0.106935 0.045030 ... 0.018130 0.001135 0.001135 0.0 0.0 0.004040 0.002541 0.002031 0.002031 0.002031
50 17MMSG16_73 21 1465.895725 32.044502 5.619340 0.782025 72 0.014084 0.107360 0.040519 ... 0.016108 0.001692 0.001692 0.0 0.0 0.003906 0.002626 0.002380 0.002380 0.002380
51 17MMSG16_74 27 1471.586727 29.272904 5.505243 0.697361 73 0.016905 0.106057 0.038048 ... 0.016442 0.001438 0.001438 0.0 0.0 0.003920 0.002876 0.001977 0.001977 0.001977
52 17MMSG16_75 36 1478.943758 28.315156 6.233307 0.699542 74 0.018136 0.109754 0.041010 ... 0.014589 0.000991 0.000991 0.0 0.0 0.003641 0.002419 0.001872 0.001872 0.001872
53 17MMSG16_78 2 1447.236817 2.337629 5.104677 0.108849 77 0.017112 0.121629 0.041069 ... 0.001189 0.000188 0.000188 0.0 0.0 0.010952 0.010952 0.000930 0.000930 0.000930

54 rows × 267 columns

Example 2 - Fixed Kd value, rather than function of Temp

  • Say you want to used a fixed value for Kd Fe-Mg, rather than the default, which uses equation 35 of Putirka which is T dependent

  • Here, specifying Kd Fe-Mg = 0.27, and you want to consider +-0.08 as an equilibrium match

  • Also specifying here that Fe3Fet_Liq=0.15

  • Also changing pressure equation to equation 30

  • Using 2 sigma values from Neave et al. (2019) for DiHd, CaTs, EnFs

MM2=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                        equationP="P_Put2008_eq30", equationT="T_Put2008_eq33",
                                        Kd_Match=0.27, Kd_Err=0.08, Fe3Fet_Liq=0.15, CaTs_Err=0.06, DiHd_Err=0.12, EnFs_Err=0.06)
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
the code is evaluating Kd matches using Kd=0.27
4172 Matches remaining after initial Kd filter. Now moving onto iterative calculations
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=2554 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=57 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

Example 3 - Alkaline Systems

  • You might want to use the updated Kd model from Masotta calibrated for trachyte and phonolitic magmas.

  • Here, you can change Kd_Match to “Masotta”

  • Might want to use P from P_Mas2013_Palk2012 and T_Mas2013_Talk2012

MM3=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                    equationP="P_Mas2013_Palk2012", equationT="T_Mas2013_Talk2012",
                                    Kd_Match="Masotta", Kd_Err=0.08, Fe3Fet_Liq=0.15, CaTs_Err=0.06, DiHd_Err=0.12, EnFs_Err=0.06)
Caution, you have selected to use the Kd-Fe-Mg model of Masotta et al. (2013)which is only valid for trachyte and phonolitic magmas.  use PutKd=True to use the Kd model of Putirka (2008)
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Youve selected a P-independent function
Youve selected a P-independent function
2352 Matches remaining after initial Kd filter. Now moving onto iterative calculations
Youve selected a P-independent function
Youve selected a T-independent function
Youve selected a T-independent function
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=1580 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=50 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
Sample_ID_Cpx P_kbar_calc T_K_calc Eq Tests Neave2017? Delta_Kd_Put2008 Delta_Kd_Mas2013 Delta_EnFs_Mollo13 Delta_EnFs_Put1999 Delta_CaTs_Put1999 Delta_DiHd_Mollo13 ... Delta_EnFs_I_M_Mollo13 CaTs_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CaTs_I_M_Put1999 CrCaTs_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CrCaTs_I_M_Put1999 CaTi_Pred_Put1999 Delta_CaTi_I_M_Put1999 Jd_Pred_Put1999 Delta_Jd_Put1999 Delta_Jd_I_M_Put1999
0 17MMSG16_1 4.484954 1353.763834 False 0.076093 0.027189 0.028005 0.005255 0.033390 0.023960 ... -0.028005 0.014322 -0.033390 0.0 0.014105 0.065141 0.032986 0.017433 0.010033 0.010033
1 17MMSG16_1 4.536992 1359.812658 False 0.069446 0.030948 0.027431 0.007617 0.033259 0.018175 ... -0.027431 0.014452 -0.033259 0.0 0.014105 0.066164 0.034008 0.017281 0.010185 0.010185
2 17MMSG16_1 4.664336 1362.026843 False 0.070245 0.029827 0.024555 0.004171 0.033089 0.012565 ... -0.024555 0.014623 -0.033089 0.0 0.014105 0.063032 0.030877 0.016213 0.011253 0.011253
3 17MMSG16_1 4.521748 1361.019784 False 0.060027 0.043562 0.025938 0.007389 0.033548 0.021885 ... -0.025938 0.014163 -0.033548 0.0 0.014105 0.065681 0.033525 0.018096 0.009371 0.009371
4 17MMSG16_1 4.523901 1356.789776 False 0.059466 0.046108 0.028110 0.008869 0.033104 0.018335 ... -0.028110 0.014608 -0.033104 0.0 0.014105 0.069209 0.037054 0.017837 0.009630 0.009630

5 rows × 133 columns

Example 4 - Say you only want a Kd filter, using the equation of Putirka

  • Kd_Match=“Putirka” is actually a default option, so you don’t have to type it

  • Easiest way to do this without having a lot of effort in the function is just to set very high “pass” values for the other filters.

MM4=pt.calculate_cpx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=myLiquids1, cpx_comps=myCPXs1,
                                        equationP="P_Neave2017", equationT="T_Put2008_eq33",
                                        Kd_Match="Putirka", Kd_Err=0.03, Fe3Fet_Liq=0.15,
                                        CaTs_Err=10, DiHd_Err=10, EnFs_Err=10)
Considering N=78 Cpx & N=163 Liqs, which is a total of N=12714 Liq-Cpx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
3043 Matches remaining after initial Kd filter. Now moving onto iterative calculations
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=1265 Cpx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=69 Cpx out of the N=78 Cpx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

Example 5 - Plotting Equilibrium filters

  • Here, we compare results from the default filter (stored in MM1_All) and those using 2* preferred values (stored in MM1_2s_All)

fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10))
# This plots distribution of Kd in matches with probability on the y axis
ax1.hist(MM1_2s_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_2s_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008']) / len(MM1_2s_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008']),
         label='pass at 2 sigma')
ax1.hist(MM1_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008']) / len(MM1_All['Delta_Kd_Put2008']) ,
         label='pass at 1 sigma', alpha=0.5)
ax1.set_xlabel('ΔKd Putirka 2008')
ax1.set_ylabel('Probability density')

# This plots distribution of EnFs  with probability on the y axis
ax2.hist(MM1_2s_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_2s_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13']) / len(MM1_2s_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13']) )#, label='All filters (2sigma)', color='salmon')
ax2.hist(MM1_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13']) / len(MM1_All['Delta_EnFs_Mollo13']), alpha=0.5)

# This plots distribution of DiHd with probability on the y axis
ax3.hist(MM1_2s_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_2s_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13']) / len(MM1_2s_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13']) )#, label='All filters (2sigma)', color='salmon')
ax3.hist(MM1_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13']) / len(MM1_All['Delta_DiHd_Mollo13']) , alpha=0.5)
ax3.set_ylabel('Probability density')

# This plots distribution of CaTs values with probability on the y axis
ax4.hist(MM1_2s_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_2s_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999']) / len(MM1_2s_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999']) )#, label='All filters (2sigma)', color='salmon')
ax4.hist(MM1_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999'], weights=np.ones_like(MM1_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999']) / len(MM1_All['Delta_CaTs_Put1999']), alpha=0.5)
Text(0.5, 0, 'ΔCaTs')

Example 6 - Plotting Pressures and Temperatures

  • Here comparing first match, with sigma=1 for EnFs, DiHd, CaTs and the second with sigma=2

  • We show average for cpx with a diamond and error bar, as well as all matches as very faint dots

fig, ((ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))

# Subplot1
# This plots every Cpx-Liq match, with an opacity of 0.5
ax1.plot(MM1_All['T_K_calc']-273.15,  MM1_All['P_kbar_calc'], '.c', alpha=0.5)

# This plots a diamond and error bar for each Cpx averaged with as many liquids as it matches too
ax1.errorbar(MM1_Av['Mean_T_K_calc']-273.15,  MM1_Av['Mean_P_kbar_calc'],
             xerr=MM1_Av['Std_T_K_calc'].fillna(0), yerr=MM1_Av['Std_P_kbar_calc'].fillna(0),
             fmt='d', ecolor='k', elinewidth=0.8, mfc='cyan', ms=8, mec='k')
ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature (°C)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure (kbar)')
ax1.set_title('1 sigma')

# Subplot2 - As above, butmatches with less stringent equilibrium filters
ax2.plot(MM1_2s_All['T_K_calc']-273.15,  MM1_2s_All['P_kbar_calc'], '.r', alpha=0.3)

ax2.errorbar(MM1_2s_Av['Mean_T_K_calc']-273.15,  MM1_2s_Av['Mean_P_kbar_calc'],
             xerr=MM1_2s_Av['Std_T_K_calc'].fillna(0), yerr=MM1_2s_Av['Std_P_kbar_calc'].fillna(0),
             fmt='d', ecolor='k', elinewidth=0.8, mfc='red', ms=8, mec='k')
ax2.set_xlabel('Temperature (°C)')
ax2.set_ylabel('Pressure (kbar)')
ax2.set_title('2 sigma')


Here we compare our matches to the published data for Gleeson et al. (2020)

  • The differences result from the fact that the R algorithm of D. Neave throws out matches before T and P are fully converged, and Kd is being calculated using Putirka (1996) in that code, rather than the user-selected thermometer

fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7, 5))

# Subplot1
ax1.errorbar(MM1_2s_Av['Mean_T_K_calc']-273.15,  MM1_2s_Av['Mean_P_kbar_calc'],
             xerr=MM1_2s_Av['Std_T_K_calc'].fillna(0), yerr=MM1_2s_Av['Std_P_kbar_calc'].fillna(0),
             fmt='d', ecolor='k', elinewidth=0.8, mfc='cyan', ms=8, mec='k', label='Thermobar')
ax1.plot(Published['Temperature'], Published['Pressure'], '*k', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=15, label='published')
ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature (°C)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure (kbar)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Pressure (kbar)')