This page was generated from docs/Examples/Opx_and_Opx_Liq_Thermobarometry/Opx_Liq_Matching.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge.

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Opx-Liq Matching

You need to install Thermobar once on your machine, if you haven’t done this yet, uncomment the line below (remove the #)

#!pip install Thermobar

Loading python things

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Thermobar as pt

Loading Liquids from one sheet

out1=pt.import_excel('Opx_Liq_Example.xlsx', sheet_name="Separate_Liqs")
SiO2_Liq TiO2_Liq Al2O3_Liq FeOt_Liq MnO_Liq MgO_Liq CaO_Liq Na2O_Liq K2O_Liq Cr2O3_Liq P2O5_Liq H2O_Liq Fe3Fet_Liq NiO_Liq CoO_Liq CO2_Liq Sample_ID_Liq
0 51.1 0.93 17.5 8.91 0.18 6.09 11.50 3.53 0.17 0 0.15 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid1
1 51.5 1.19 19.2 8.70 0.19 4.98 10.00 3.72 0.42 0 0.14 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid2
2 59.1 0.54 19.1 5.22 0.19 3.25 7.45 4.00 0.88 0 0.31 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid3
3 52.5 0.98 19.2 8.04 0.20 4.99 9.64 4.15 0.21 0 0.14 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid4
4 56.2 0.34 20.4 5.88 0.20 2.58 7.18 6.02 1.02 0 0.23 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Liquid5

Loading Opxs from another sheet

out2=pt.import_excel('Opx_Liq_Example.xlsx', sheet_name="Separate_Opxs")
SiO2_Opx TiO2_Opx Al2O3_Opx FeOt_Opx MnO_Opx MgO_Opx CaO_Opx Na2O_Opx K2O_Opx Cr2O3_Opx Sample_ID_Opx
0 55.00 0.34 1.50 11.30 0.24 30.70 0.90 0.01 0 0.19 Opx1
1 52.70 0.15 8.10 8.48 0.14 29.40 2.14 0.14 0 0.00 Opx2
2 53.20 0.20 7.40 8.80 0.13 29.20 2.37 0.14 0 0.02 Opx3
3 55.15 0.17 1.19 10.21 0.22 29.99 1.66 0.03 0 0.15 Opx4
4 56.32 0.13 1.41 10.17 0.26 30.88 1.05 0.02 0 0.16 Opx5

Example 1 - Kd equilibrium test using Si content of the liquid

  • The default is that Kd is calculated using the Si content of the liquid following Putirka (2008)

  • We see that there are only 3 equilibrium matches, e.g. a single Opx with 3 different liquids (Liq1, 3, and 6)

Match1=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs,
Considering N=5 Opx & N=6 Liqs, which is a total of N=30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=3 Opx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=1 Opx out of the N=5 Opx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
Sample_ID_Opx Sample_ID_Liq P_kbar_calc T_K_calc Delta_T_K_Iter Delta_P_kbar_Iter Delta_Kd_Fe_Mg_Fe2 SiO2_Liq Kd Eq (Put2008+-0.06) TiO2_Liq ... Di_Opx Mgno_OPX ID_OPX ln_Fm2Si2O6_liq ln_FmAl2SiO6_liq Kd_Fe_Mg_Fet Kd_Fe_Mg_Fe2 Ideal_Kd Mgno_Liq_noFe3 Mgno_Liq_Fe2
0 Opx1 Liquid1 3.327589 1384.287957 0.0 0.0 0.053295 51.1 Y 0.93 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.211708 -2.879647 0.251582 0.251582 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
1 Opx1 Liquid3 1.359126 1287.021849 0.0 0.0 0.048017 59.1 Y 0.54 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 6.070333 -2.627257 0.229167 0.229167 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
2 Opx1 Liquid6 3.822215 1384.668282 0.0 0.0 0.053829 51.3 Y 0.93 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.231702 -2.821164 0.251582 0.251582 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218

3 rows × 95 columns

Example 2- Performing calculations at a fixed temp

  • Maybe you have an independent constrain on T you trust more than iterating.

  • We are saying here, we want to keep matches with Kd=0.29+-0.05

Match1_fixedT=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs, T=1300,
                                         equationP="P_Put2008_eq29a", Kd_Match=0.29, Kd_Err=0.05)
Considering N=5 Opx & N=6 Liqs, which is a total of N=30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=2 Opx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=1 Opx out of the N=5 Opx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

Example 3 - Performing calculations at a fixed pressure

  • As above, now we fix P an just calculate temperature

Match1_fixedT=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs,
                                         P=5, Kd_Match=0.29, Kd_Err=0.05)
Considering N=5 Opx & N=6 Liqs, which is a total of N=30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=2 Opx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=1 Opx out of the N=5 Opx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids

Example 4 - Return all matches to examine distribution of equilibrium tests

  • Perhaps we now want to look at the distribution of Kd values in the matches, to work out what might be a reasonable cut off.

  • by stating “return_all_pairs=True”, the code doesn’t apply any equilibrium filters

  • This means we can look at the range of Kd values for all matches

  • Red line shows equilibrium filter used above (+-0.06)

Match2=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs,
                                         equationP="P_Put2008_eq29a", return_all_pairs=True)
plt.plot([0.06, 0.06], [0, 7], '-r')
Considering N=5 Opx & N=6 Liqs, which is a total of N=30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Done!!! I found a total of N=30 Opx-Liq matches using the specified filter. N=5 Opx out of the N=5 Opx that you input matched to 1 or more liquids
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1573a7a6eb0>]
0    0.0
1    0.0
2    0.0
3    0.0
4    0.0
Name: Mean_Delta_P_kbar_Iter, dtype: float64

Example 5 - Specifying different Kd Error

  • We can overwrite the default Kd Err cut off (0.06) by specifying Kd_Err=

  • Here, we specify that we want a match within +-0.12 (e.g., 2 sigma)

Match3=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs,
                                         equationP="P_Put2008_eq29a", Kd_Err=0.12)
Considering 30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Sample_ID_Opx Mean_T_K_calc Std_T_K_calc Mean_P_kbar_calc Std_P_kbar_calc ID_OPX Mean_SiO2_Liq Mean_TiO2_Liq Mean_Al2O3_Liq Mean_FeOt_Liq ... Std_Ti_Liq_cat_frac Std_P_Liq_cat_frac Std_Cr_Liq_cat_frac Std_Mg_Number_Liq_NoFe3 Std_Mg_Number_Liq_Fe3 Std_ln_Fm2Si2O6_liq Std_ln_FmAl2SiO6_liq Std_Ideal_Kd Std_Mgno_Liq_noFe3 Std_Mgno_Liq_Fe2
0 Opx1 1347.487327 40.409156 3.351362 1.160465 0 53.100000 0.914 18.440000 7.956 ... 0.001627 0.000579 0.0 0.018680 0.018680 0.348399 0.132169 0.011934 0.018680 0.018680
1 Opx2 1437.873068 67.039411 12.843977 1.690760 1 53.833333 0.800 17.933333 7.680 ... 0.001545 0.000724 0.0 0.013390 0.013390 0.490058 0.132112 0.016145 0.013390 0.013390
2 Opx3 1427.624274 55.064677 12.641682 1.484766 2 53.500000 0.845 18.250000 7.770 ... 0.001405 0.000641 0.0 0.013621 0.013621 0.400423 0.131843 0.013400 0.013621 0.013621
3 Opx4 1367.992248 42.299922 5.547076 1.223954 3 53.100000 0.914 18.440000 7.956 ... 0.001627 0.000579 0.0 0.018680 0.018680 0.348399 0.132169 0.011934 0.018680 0.018680
4 Opx5 1368.174274 42.213547 5.257490 1.205248 4 53.100000 0.914 18.440000 7.956 ... 0.001627 0.000579 0.0 0.018680 0.018680 0.348399 0.132169 0.011934 0.018680 0.018680

5 rows × 96 columns

Plotting these results

fig, ((ax1)) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)

ax1.plot(All_Matches3['T_K_calc']-273.15, All_Matches3['P_kbar_calc'],
         '.', color='red', alpha=0.3, label="all matches")

ax1.errorbar(Av_Matches3['Mean_T_K_calc']-273.15,  Av_Matches3['Mean_P_kbar_calc'],
             fmt='d', ecolor='k', elinewidth=0.8,
             mfc='red', ms=8, mec='k',  label='Averaged per Opx')


ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature (C)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure (kbar)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Pressure (kbar)')

Example 6 - Specify both Kd Match and Kd Error.

  • Instead of calculating Kd as a function of melt Si, which is the default, you can also specify a value of Kd Match and Kd error

Match4=pt.calculate_opx_liq_press_temp_matching(liq_comps=Liqs, opx_comps=Opxs,
                                        Kd_Match=0.29, Kd_Err=0.12)
Considering 30 Liq-Opx pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Finished calculating Ps and Ts, now just averaging the results. Almost there!
Sample_ID_Opx Sample_ID_Liq P_kbar_calc T_K_calc Delta_Kd_Fe_Mg_Fe2 SiO2_Liq Kd Eq (Put2008+-0.06) TiO2_Liq Al2O3_Liq FeOt_Liq ... Di_Opx Mgno_OPX ID_OPX ln_Fm2Si2O6_liq ln_FmAl2SiO6_liq Kd_Fe_Mg_Fet Kd_Fe_Mg_Fe2 Ideal_Kd Mgno_Liq_noFe3 Mgno_Liq_Fe2
0 Opx1 Liquid1 3.327589 1384.287957 0.038418 51.1 Y 0.93 17.5 8.91 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.211708 -2.879647 0.251582 0.251582 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
1 Opx1 Liquid2 4.153042 1345.601294 0.079307 51.5 N 1.19 19.2 8.70 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.421838 -2.962785 0.210693 0.210693 0.303256 0.505036 0.505036
2 Opx1 Liquid3 1.359126 1287.021849 0.060833 59.1 Y 0.54 19.1 5.22 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 6.070333 -2.627257 0.229167 0.229167 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
3 Opx1 Liquid4 4.094837 1335.857253 0.061553 52.5 N 0.98 19.2 8.04 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.473969 -2.927640 0.228447 0.228447 0.300632 0.525239 0.525239
4 Opx1 Liquid6 3.822215 1384.668282 0.038418 51.3 Y 0.93 17.2 8.91 ... 0.028142 0.82885 0 5.231702 -2.821164 0.251582 0.251582 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218
5 Opx2 Liquid1 13.567611 1476.378354 0.092854 51.1 N 0.93 17.5 8.91 ... 0.068126 0.860725 1 4.992592 4.014336 0.197146 0.197146 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
6 Opx2 Liquid3 10.911830 1360.462968 0.110419 59.1 N 0.54 19.1 5.22 ... 0.068126 0.860725 1 5.851217 4.266726 0.179581 0.179581 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
7 Opx2 Liquid4 13.978334 1418.251458 0.110984 52.5 N 0.98 19.2 8.04 ... 0.068126 0.860725 1 5.254853 3.966344 0.179016 0.179016 0.300632 0.525239 0.525239
8 Opx2 Liquid6 14.052489 1476.777883 0.092854 51.3 N 0.93 17.2 8.91 ... 0.068126 0.860725 1 5.012586 4.072819 0.197146 0.197146 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218
9 Opx3 Liquid1 13.073817 1470.604131 0.084013 51.1 N 0.93 17.5 8.91 ... 0.074962 0.855382 2 4.993110 3.922681 0.205987 0.205987 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
10 Opx3 Liquid2 13.630048 1424.619049 0.117492 51.5 N 1.19 19.2 8.70 ... 0.074962 0.855382 2 5.203240 3.839544 0.172508 0.172508 0.303256 0.505036 0.505036
11 Opx3 Liquid3 10.438097 1355.822875 0.102366 59.1 N 0.54 19.1 5.22 ... 0.074962 0.855382 2 5.851735 4.175071 0.187634 0.187634 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
12 Opx3 Liquid4 13.495409 1413.066905 0.102956 52.5 N 0.98 19.2 8.04 ... 0.074962 0.855382 2 5.255371 3.874689 0.187044 0.187044 0.300632 0.525239 0.525239
13 Opx3 Liquid6 13.559405 1471.003184 0.084013 51.3 N 0.93 17.2 8.91 ... 0.074962 0.855382 2 5.013104 3.981164 0.205987 0.205987 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218
14 Opx4 Liquid1 5.608841 1406.547991 0.057304 51.1 N 0.93 17.5 8.91 ... 0.053125 0.839637 3 5.164480 1.567036 0.232696 0.232696 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
15 Opx4 Liquid2 6.345053 1365.973046 0.095124 51.5 N 1.19 19.2 8.70 ... 0.053125 0.839637 3 5.374611 1.483898 0.194876 0.194876 0.303256 0.505036 0.505036
16 Opx4 Liquid3 3.417967 1304.743556 0.078036 59.1 N 0.54 19.1 5.22 ... 0.053125 0.839637 3 6.023105 1.819426 0.211964 0.211964 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
17 Opx4 Liquid4 6.262139 1355.761762 0.078703 52.5 N 0.98 19.2 8.04 ... 0.053125 0.839637 3 5.426741 1.519044 0.211297 0.211297 0.300632 0.525239 0.525239
18 Opx4 Liquid6 6.101381 1406.934887 0.057304 51.3 N 0.93 17.2 8.91 ... 0.053125 0.839637 3 5.184474 1.625519 0.232696 0.232696 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218
19 Opx5 Liquid1 5.295132 1406.647680 0.064896 51.1 N 0.93 17.5 8.91 ... 0.033103 0.844054 4 5.177171 2.205778 0.225104 0.225104 0.304877 0.549218 0.549218
20 Opx5 Liquid2 6.056841 1366.165929 0.101482 51.5 N 1.19 19.2 8.70 ... 0.033103 0.844054 4 5.387301 2.122640 0.188518 0.188518 0.303256 0.505036 0.505036
21 Opx5 Liquid3 3.167784 1305.048640 0.084952 59.1 N 0.54 19.1 5.22 ... 0.033103 0.844054 4 6.035796 2.458168 0.205048 0.205048 0.277184 0.526025 0.526025
22 Opx5 Liquid4 5.980279 1355.975566 0.085597 52.5 N 0.98 19.2 8.04 ... 0.033103 0.844054 4 5.439432 2.157785 0.204403 0.204403 0.300632 0.525239 0.525239
23 Opx5 Liquid6 5.787414 1407.033556 0.064896 51.3 N 0.93 17.2 8.91 ... 0.033103 0.844054 4 5.197165 2.264261 0.225104 0.225104 0.305411 0.549218 0.549218

24 rows × 93 columns