This page was generated from docs/Examples/Feldspar_Thermobarometry/Two_Feldspar_All_Possible_Pairs.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge.

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Two Feldspar thermometry

You need to install Thermobar once on your machine, if you haven’t done this yet, uncomment the line below (remove the #)

#!pip install Thermobar

Import python things and set plotting parameters

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Thermobar as pt
pd.options.display.max_columns = None

# This sets some plotting things
plt.rcParams[""] = 'arial'
plt.rcParams["font.size"] =12
plt.rcParams["mathtext.default"] = "regular"
plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "dejavusans"
plt.rcParams['patch.linewidth'] = 1
plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1
plt.rcParams["xtick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "in"
plt.rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 6 # Sets length of ticks
plt.rcParams["ytick.major.size"] = 4 # Sets length of ticks
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 12 # Sets size of numbers on tick marks
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 12 # Sets size of numbers on tick marks
plt.rcParams["axes.titlesize"] = 14 # Overall title
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 14 # Axes labels

Example 1 - Combining all possible Plag-Kspar Pairs

  • Say you don’t have touching Plag-Kspar pairs, but instead a list of Kspar compositions you have measured on the probe in one sheet of an excel spreadsheet, and a set of Plag compositions in another sheet

  • The functions ending in “_matching” in Thermobar consider all possible combinations of Plags and Kspars

Import Kspars

out2=pt.import_excel('Two_Feldspar_input.xlsx', sheet_name="Kspar")
SiO2_Kspar TiO2_Kspar Al2O3_Kspar FeOt_Kspar MnO_Kspar MgO_Kspar CaO_Kspar Na2O_Kspar K2O_Kspar Cr2O3_Kspar Sample_ID_Kspar
0 65.5 0.0 19.6 0.07 0.0 0.00 0.75 4.81 9.36 0 1
1 65.4 0.0 19.4 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.59 3.13 11.50 0 2
2 64.6 0.0 18.8 0.09 0.0 0.00 0.39 1.15 14.80 0 3
3 61.8 0.0 19.2 0.51 0.0 0.03 0.66 1.71 12.90 0 4
4 65.1 0.0 19.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.36 2.87 12.60 0 5

Import plags

out3=pt.import_excel('Two_Feldspar_input.xlsx', sheet_name="Plag")
SiO2_Plag TiO2_Plag Al2O3_Plag FeOt_Plag MnO_Plag MgO_Plag CaO_Plag Na2O_Plag K2O_Plag Cr2O3_Plag Sample_ID_Plag
0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0
1 56.5 0.12 26.9 0.47 0 0.05 8.95 5.66 0.47 0 1
2 57.6 0.11 26.3 0.50 0 0.07 8.50 6.27 0.40 0 2
3 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3
4 56.7 0.14 27.6 0.69 0 0.11 9.46 5.58 0.48 0 4

Calculate T for all matches using equation 27a at 5 kbar

T_27a_5kbar_All=pt.calculate_plag_kspar_temp_matching(plag_comps=Plags3, kspar_comps=Kspars2,
                                                      equationT="T_Put2008_eq27a", P=5)
Considering 77 Kspar-Plag pairs, be patient if this is >>1 million!
Delta_An Delta_Ab Delta_Or a_Ab_plg a_An_plg a_Or_plg a_Ab_kspar a_An_kspar a_Or_kspar T_K_calc SiO2_Kspar TiO2_Kspar Al2O3_Kspar FeOt_Kspar MnO_Kspar MgO_Kspar CaO_Kspar Na2O_Kspar K2O_Kspar Cr2O3_Kspar Sample_ID_Kspar Si_Kspar_cat_prop Mg_Kspar_cat_prop Fet_Kspar_cat_prop Ca_Kspar_cat_prop Al_Kspar_cat_prop Na_Kspar_cat_prop K_Kspar_cat_prop Mn_Kspar_cat_prop Ti_Kspar_cat_prop Cr_Kspar_cat_prop sum Si_Kspar_cat_frac Mg_Kspar_cat_frac Fet_Kspar_cat_frac Ca_Kspar_cat_frac Al_Kspar_cat_frac Na_Kspar_cat_frac K_Kspar_cat_frac Mn_Kspar_cat_frac Ti_Kspar_cat_frac Cr_Kspar_cat_frac An_Kspar Ab_Kspar Or_Kspar ID_Kspar SiO2_Plag TiO2_Plag Al2O3_Plag FeOt_Plag MnO_Plag MgO_Plag CaO_Plag Na2O_Plag K2O_Plag Cr2O3_Plag Sample_ID_Plag Si_Plag_cat_prop Mg_Plag_cat_prop Fet_Plag_cat_prop Ca_Plag_cat_prop Al_Plag_cat_prop Na_Plag_cat_prop K_Plag_cat_prop Mn_Plag_cat_prop Ti_Plag_cat_prop Cr_Plag_cat_prop sum Si_Plag_cat_frac Mg_Plag_cat_frac Fet_Plag_cat_frac Ca_Plag_cat_frac Al_Plag_cat_frac Na_Plag_cat_frac K_Plag_cat_frac Mn_Plag_cat_frac Ti_Plag_cat_frac Cr_Plag_cat_frac An_Plag Ab_Plag Or_Plag ID_Plag K_Barth T P
0 0.295531 0.002892 -0.326051 0.638916 0.902959 0.322702 0.636023 0.607427 0.648754 1269.748822 65.5 0.0 19.6 0.07 0.0 0.00 0.75 4.81 9.36 0 1 1.090135 0.000000 0.000974 0.013374 0.384461 0.155214 0.198735 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.842893 0.591535 0.000000 0.000529 0.007257 0.208618 0.084223 0.107838 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.036410 0.422555 0.541035 0.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.763208 1269.748822 5
1 -0.092624 0.110226 -0.329378 0.641223 0.956165 0.410594 0.530997 1.048788 0.739972 1197.800282 65.4 0.0 19.4 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.59 3.13 11.50 0 2 1.088471 0.000000 0.000696 0.010521 0.380538 0.101002 0.244172 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.825399 0.596292 0.000000 0.000381 0.005764 0.208468 0.055332 0.133763 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.029579 0.283957 0.686464 1.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.512876 1197.800282 5
2 -2.324993 0.335739 0.000517 0.648692 1.149221 0.890109 0.312954 3.474214 0.889592 1013.354929 64.6 0.0 18.8 0.09 0.0 0.00 0.39 1.15 14.80 0 3 1.075156 0.000000 0.001253 0.006955 0.368768 0.037109 0.314238 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.803480 0.596156 0.000000 0.000695 0.003856 0.204476 0.020577 0.174240 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.019410 0.103570 0.877020 2.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.187066 1013.354929 5
3 -1.933109 0.255822 -0.187706 0.645605 1.065363 0.647145 0.389783 2.998471 0.834851 1081.998018 61.8 0.0 19.2 0.51 0.0 0.03 0.66 1.71 12.90 0 4 1.028555 0.000744 0.007098 0.011769 0.376615 0.055180 0.273897 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.753859 0.586453 0.000424 0.004047 0.006711 0.214735 0.031462 0.156168 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.034530 0.161891 0.803579 3.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.292404 1081.998018 5
4 0.064453 0.110505 -0.269422 0.643095 1.001463 0.498868 0.532590 0.937010 0.768290 1145.332986 65.1 0.0 19.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.36 2.87 12.60 0 5 1.083478 0.000000 0.000696 0.006420 0.376615 0.092612 0.267527 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.827347 0.592924 0.000000 0.000381 0.003513 0.206099 0.050681 0.146402 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.017513 0.252653 0.729834 4.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.456335 1145.332986 5
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
72 -0.006407 0.168807 -0.263274 0.642376 1.029167 0.542268 0.473569 1.035574 0.805542 1120.942214 64.9 0.0 19.3 0.06 0.0 0.03 0.29 2.30 13.30 0 7 1.080149 0.000744 0.000835 0.005171 0.378576 0.074219 0.282390 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.822085 0.592809 0.000409 0.000458 0.002838 0.207771 0.040733 0.154982 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.014294 0.205149 0.780557 6.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.418202 1120.942214 5
73 0.527046 0.050488 -0.219397 0.642228 1.028053 0.539065 0.591741 0.501007 0.758462 1122.277113 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.555855 1122.277113 5
74 0.643794 -0.002624 -0.263600 0.637859 0.995527 0.452140 0.640482 0.351733 0.715739 1163.393766 66.0 0.0 18.9 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.18 3.73 11.30 0 9 1.098457 0.000000 0.000696 0.003210 0.370730 0.120364 0.239925 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.833381 0.599143 0.000000 0.000380 0.001751 0.202211 0.065651 0.130865 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008830 0.331125 0.660044 8.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.675008 1163.393766 5
75 0.713796 -0.043818 -0.276888 0.635087 0.975323 0.404172 0.678905 0.261527 0.681060 1191.228218 66.0 0.0 19.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.18 4.31 10.40 0 10 1.098457 0.000000 0.000000 0.003210 0.376615 0.139080 0.220816 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.838177 0.597579 0.000000 0.000000 0.001746 0.204885 0.075662 0.120128 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008840 0.383028 0.608132 9.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.780814 1191.228218 5
76 0.406945 0.094842 -0.195144 0.644493 1.045231 0.590208 0.549651 0.638286 0.785353 1102.198221 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.482573 1102.198221 5

77 rows × 85 columns

Examine equilibrium tests

  • As it is currently unclear what delta values are acceptable, we leave it up to the users to investigate the experimental data, but provide an example here of how you can filter based on these values

  • First, plot up the delta values to get an idea of the degree of disequilibrium

fig, ((ax0, ax1, ax2)) = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize = (15,5)) # adjust dimensions of figure here
ax0.set_xlabel('Delta An')
ax1.set_xlabel('Delta Ab')
ax2.set_xlabel('Delta Or')
ax0.set_ylabel('# of measurements')
Text(0, 0.5, '# of measurements')

Filtering outputs

  • Here we make filters, the “filt_a_…” considers all avlues of Delta An <1, and is a bool, so a series of true and false statements

# This says accept pairs within Delta An between +-1

# This says accept pairs with Delta Ab between +-0.15

# This says accept pairs with Delta Or between +-0.2

Apply filters

  • Here, we apply these filters to only consider pairs meeting all 3 criteria above

# This filters pairs to only those meeting these three criteria defined above
Delta_An Delta_Ab Delta_Or a_Ab_plg a_An_plg a_Or_plg a_Ab_kspar a_An_kspar a_Or_kspar T_K_calc SiO2_Kspar TiO2_Kspar Al2O3_Kspar FeOt_Kspar MnO_Kspar MgO_Kspar CaO_Kspar Na2O_Kspar K2O_Kspar Cr2O3_Kspar Sample_ID_Kspar Si_Kspar_cat_prop Mg_Kspar_cat_prop Fet_Kspar_cat_prop Ca_Kspar_cat_prop Al_Kspar_cat_prop Na_Kspar_cat_prop K_Kspar_cat_prop Mn_Kspar_cat_prop Ti_Kspar_cat_prop Cr_Kspar_cat_prop sum Si_Kspar_cat_frac Mg_Kspar_cat_frac Fet_Kspar_cat_frac Ca_Kspar_cat_frac Al_Kspar_cat_frac Na_Kspar_cat_frac K_Kspar_cat_frac Mn_Kspar_cat_frac Ti_Kspar_cat_frac Cr_Kspar_cat_frac An_Kspar Ab_Kspar Or_Kspar ID_Kspar SiO2_Plag TiO2_Plag Al2O3_Plag FeOt_Plag MnO_Plag MgO_Plag CaO_Plag Na2O_Plag K2O_Plag Cr2O3_Plag Sample_ID_Plag Si_Plag_cat_prop Mg_Plag_cat_prop Fet_Plag_cat_prop Ca_Plag_cat_prop Al_Plag_cat_prop Na_Plag_cat_prop K_Plag_cat_prop Mn_Plag_cat_prop Ti_Plag_cat_prop Cr_Plag_cat_prop sum Si_Plag_cat_frac Mg_Plag_cat_frac Fet_Plag_cat_frac Ca_Plag_cat_frac Al_Plag_cat_frac Na_Plag_cat_frac K_Plag_cat_frac Mn_Plag_cat_frac Ti_Plag_cat_frac Cr_Plag_cat_frac An_Plag Ab_Plag Or_Plag ID_Plag K_Barth T P
7 0.483175 0.034127 -0.149859 0.645062 1.051235 0.611800 0.610935 0.568060 0.761658 1095.067777 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.492498 1095.067777 5
8 0.615621 -0.015126 -0.197861 0.643541 1.012541 0.522500 0.658666 0.396920 0.720361 1133.531892 66.0 0.0 18.9 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.18 3.73 11.30 0 9 1.098457 0.000000 0.000696 0.003210 0.370730 0.120364 0.239925 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.833381 0.599143 0.000000 0.000380 0.001751 0.202211 0.065651 0.130865 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008830 0.331125 0.660044 8.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.59807 1133.531892 5
10 0.345956 0.076966 -0.124167 0.645848 1.071757 0.663643 0.568882 0.725801 0.787810 1076.240814 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 57.3 0.09 26.6 0.43 0 0.03 8.33 6.11 0.49 0 0 0.95366 0.000744 0.005985 0.148545 0.521768 0.197164 0.010404 0.0 0.001127 0.0 1.839397 0.518464 0.000405 0.003254 0.080757 0.283663 0.107189 0.005656 0.0 0.000613 0.0 0.417129 0.553656 0.029215 0 0.427569 1076.240814 5
18 0.512559 0.037062 -0.132206 0.637768 1.044104 0.627760 0.600706 0.531545 0.759966 1109.293338 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 56.5 0.12 26.9 0.47 0 0.05 8.95 5.66 0.47 0 1 0.940345 0.001241 0.006542 0.159601 0.527653 0.182643 0.009979 0.0 0.001502 0.0 1.829506 0.513989 0.000678 0.003576 0.087237 0.288413 0.099832 0.005455 0.0 0.000821 0.0 0.453125 0.518543 0.028332 1 0.525847 1109.293338 5
19 0.635801 -0.013936 -0.186124 0.635049 1.008142 0.531789 0.648985 0.372340 0.717913 1149.132699 66.0 0.0 18.9 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.18 3.73 11.30 0 9 1.098457 0.000000 0.000696 0.003210 0.370730 0.120364 0.239925 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.833381 0.599143 0.000000 0.000380 0.001751 0.202211 0.065651 0.130865 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008830 0.331125 0.660044 8.0 56.5 0.12 26.9 0.47 0 0.05 8.95 5.66 0.47 0 1 0.940345 0.001241 0.006542 0.159601 0.527653 0.182643 0.009979 0.0 0.001502 0.0 1.829506 0.513989 0.000678 0.003576 0.087237 0.288413 0.099832 0.005455 0.0 0.000821 0.0 0.453125 0.518543 0.028332 1 0.638568 1149.132699 5
21 0.385029 0.080548 -0.102697 0.639175 1.063141 0.683812 0.558627 0.678111 0.786509 1089.816751 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 56.5 0.12 26.9 0.47 0 0.05 8.95 5.66 0.47 0 1 0.940345 0.001241 0.006542 0.159601 0.527653 0.182643 0.009979 0.0 0.001502 0.0 1.829506 0.513989 0.000678 0.003576 0.087237 0.288413 0.099832 0.005455 0.0 0.000821 0.0 0.453125 0.518543 0.028332 1 0.456521 1089.816751 5
33 0.342311 -0.030924 -0.141247 0.599513 0.920277 0.503433 0.630437 0.577966 0.644680 1287.496420 65.5 0.0 19.6 0.07 0.0 0.00 0.75 4.81 9.36 0 1 1.090135 0.000000 0.000974 0.013374 0.384461 0.155214 0.198735 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.842893 0.591535 0.000000 0.000529 0.007257 0.208618 0.084223 0.107838 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.036410 0.422555 0.541035 0.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.842297 1287.496420 5
34 -0.016692 0.078517 -0.097687 0.602335 0.973861 0.640315 0.523817 0.990553 0.738002 1213.058221 65.4 0.0 19.4 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.59 3.13 11.50 0 2 1.088471 0.000000 0.000696 0.010521 0.380538 0.101002 0.244172 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.825399 0.596292 0.000000 0.000381 0.005764 0.208468 0.055332 0.133763 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.029579 0.283957 0.686464 1.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.566024 1213.058221 5
37 0.135572 0.079969 0.010847 0.604626 1.019448 0.777728 0.524657 0.883876 0.766882 1158.895794 65.1 0.0 19.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.36 2.87 12.60 0 5 1.083478 0.000000 0.000696 0.006420 0.376615 0.092612 0.267527 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.827347 0.592924 0.000000 0.000381 0.003513 0.206099 0.050681 0.146402 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.017513 0.252653 0.729834 4.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.503623 1158.895794 5
38 -0.006681 0.113073 0.044122 0.605423 1.035764 0.832018 0.492350 1.042445 0.787896 1141.211077 65.0 0.0 19.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.35 2.51 12.80 0 6 1.081813 0.000000 0.000000 0.006241 0.376615 0.080995 0.271774 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.817438 0.595241 0.000000 0.000000 0.003434 0.207223 0.044566 0.149537 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.017385 0.225607 0.757008 5.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.449712 1141.211077 5
39 -0.043394 0.123834 0.151849 0.607099 1.070842 0.958524 0.483265 1.114235 0.806676 1105.813911 64.9 0.0 19.3 0.06 0.0 0.03 0.29 2.30 13.30 0 7 1.080149 0.000744 0.000835 0.005171 0.378576 0.074219 0.282390 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.822085 0.592809 0.000409 0.000458 0.002838 0.207771 0.040733 0.154982 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.014294 0.205149 0.780557 6.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.408932 1105.813911 5
40 0.532550 0.004782 0.193227 0.607036 1.069505 0.953451 0.602254 0.536955 0.760224 1107.101559 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.543534 1107.101559 5
41 0.654607 -0.045279 0.096222 0.605172 1.030592 0.814507 0.650451 0.375986 0.718285 1146.727383 66.0 0.0 18.9 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.18 3.73 11.30 0 9 1.098457 0.000000 0.000696 0.003210 0.370730 0.120364 0.239925 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.833381 0.599143 0.000000 0.000380 0.001751 0.202211 0.065651 0.130865 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008830 0.331125 0.660044 8.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.660046 1146.727383 5
42 0.727768 -0.084143 0.052277 0.603986 1.006519 0.736668 0.688129 0.278752 0.684391 1173.513726 66.0 0.0 19.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.18 4.31 10.40 0 10 1.098457 0.000000 0.000000 0.003210 0.376615 0.139080 0.220816 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.838177 0.597579 0.000000 0.000000 0.001746 0.204885 0.075662 0.120128 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008840 0.383028 0.608132 9.0 57.2 0.16 27.0 0.62 0 0.06 9.03 5.58 0.84 0 3 0.951996 0.001489 0.00863 0.161027 0.529614 0.180061 0.017835 0.0 0.002003 0.0 1.852655 0.513855 0.000804 0.004658 0.086917 0.285868 0.097191 0.009627 0.0 0.001081 0.0 0.44864 0.50167 0.049691 3 0.763506 1173.513726 5
51 0.523165 0.038410 -0.114109 0.634669 1.039392 0.645113 0.596258 0.516227 0.759222 1115.672334 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 56.7 0.14 27.6 0.69 0 0.11 9.46 5.58 0.48 0 4 0.943674 0.002729 0.009604 0.168695 0.541383 0.180061 0.010192 0.0 0.001753 0.0 1.858092 0.507873 0.001469 0.005169 0.09079 0.291365 0.096907 0.005485 0.0 0.000943 0.0 0.469971 0.501636 0.028393 4 0.54357 1115.672334 5
52 0.642779 -0.013464 -0.172384 0.631304 1.004789 0.544454 0.644769 0.362009 0.716838 1156.136597 66.0 0.0 18.9 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.18 3.73 11.30 0 9 1.098457 0.000000 0.000696 0.003210 0.370730 0.120364 0.239925 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.833381 0.599143 0.000000 0.000380 0.001751 0.202211 0.065651 0.130865 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008830 0.331125 0.660044 8.0 56.7 0.14 27.6 0.69 0 0.11 9.46 5.58 0.48 0 4 0.943674 0.002729 0.009604 0.168695 0.541383 0.180061 0.010192 0.0 0.001753 0.0 1.858092 0.507873 0.001469 0.005169 0.09079 0.291365 0.096907 0.005485 0.0 0.000943 0.0 0.469971 0.501636 0.028393 4 0.660091 1156.136597 5
53 0.714493 -0.053705 -0.193872 0.629168 0.983325 0.488624 0.682873 0.268832 0.682497 1183.512115 66.0 0.0 19.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.18 4.31 10.40 0 10 1.098457 0.000000 0.000000 0.003210 0.376615 0.139080 0.220816 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.838177 0.597579 0.000000 0.000000 0.001746 0.204885 0.075662 0.120128 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008840 0.383028 0.608132 9.0 56.7 0.14 27.6 0.69 0 0.11 9.46 5.58 0.48 0 4 0.943674 0.002729 0.009604 0.168695 0.541383 0.180061 0.010192 0.0 0.001753 0.0 1.858092 0.507873 0.001469 0.005169 0.09079 0.291365 0.096907 0.005485 0.0 0.000943 0.0 0.469971 0.501636 0.028393 4 0.763558 1183.512115 5
54 0.399564 0.082237 -0.081872 0.636410 1.057692 0.704065 0.554173 0.658128 0.785937 1095.900950 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 56.7 0.14 27.6 0.69 0 0.11 9.46 5.58 0.48 0 4 0.943674 0.002729 0.009604 0.168695 0.541383 0.180061 0.010192 0.0 0.001753 0.0 1.858092 0.507873 0.001469 0.005169 0.09079 0.291365 0.096907 0.005485 0.0 0.000943 0.0 0.469971 0.501636 0.028393 4 0.471908 1095.900950 5
62 0.511263 0.039141 -0.156412 0.639821 1.042718 0.603550 0.600680 0.531454 0.759962 1109.330429 64.9 0.0 18.6 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.17 3.02 12.10 0 8 1.080149 0.000000 0.000000 0.003032 0.364845 0.097453 0.256911 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.802390 0.599287 0.000000 0.000000 0.001682 0.202423 0.054069 0.142539 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008482 0.272674 0.718843 7.0 56.0 0.21 26.6 0.56 0 0.1 8.99 5.7 0.45 0 5 0.932024 0.002481 0.007794 0.160314 0.521768 0.183934 0.009555 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.820499 0.511961 0.001363 0.004281 0.088061 0.286607 0.101035 0.005248 0.0 0.001444 0.0 0.453118 0.519877 0.027005 5 0.524498 1109.330429 5
65 0.383681 0.082652 -0.128906 0.641253 1.061674 0.657600 0.558601 0.677993 0.786506 1089.852134 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 56.0 0.21 26.6 0.56 0 0.1 8.99 5.7 0.45 0 5 0.932024 0.002481 0.007794 0.160314 0.521768 0.183934 0.009555 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.820499 0.511961 0.001363 0.004281 0.088061 0.286607 0.101035 0.005248 0.0 0.001444 0.0 0.453118 0.519877 0.027005 5 0.45535 1089.852134 5
76 0.406945 0.094842 -0.195144 0.644493 1.045231 0.590208 0.549651 0.638286 0.785353 1102.198221 65.5 0.0 18.9 0.11 0.0 0.04 0.17 2.58 12.50 0 11 1.090135 0.000992 0.001531 0.003032 0.370730 0.083254 0.265404 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.815078 0.600599 0.000547 0.000844 0.001670 0.204250 0.045868 0.146222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.008620 0.236726 0.754654 10.0 56.1 0.21 27.8 0.56 0 0.09 9.94 5.53 0.38 0 6 0.933688 0.002233 0.007794 0.177255 0.545307 0.178448 0.008068 0.0 0.002629 0.0 1.855422 0.503221 0.001204 0.004201 0.095534 0.293899 0.096176 0.004348 0.0 0.001417 0.0 0.487271 0.49055 0.02218 6 0.482573 1102.198221 5