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Garnet functions

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Thermobar as pt

Load data from Ozaydin et al. (2021)

#Now load the data from
data = pt.import_excel("Group1_Kimberley.xlsx", "Sheet1")
my_input_gt = data['Gts']

SiO2_Gt TiO2_Gt Al2O3_Gt Cr2O3_Gt FeOt_Gt MnO_Gt MgO_Gt CaO_Gt Na2O_Gt K2O_Gt Ni_Gt Ti_Gt Zr_Gt Zn_Gt Ga_Gt Sr_Gt Y_Gt Sample_ID_Gt
0 41.92 0.03 21.83 2.73 8.91 0.51 18.18 5.34 0.00 0 7.04 179.845333 1.20 2.31 2.110 0.0 10.830 173/034/0021/2
1 41.46 0.10 18.27 6.33 6.60 0.38 20.05 5.85 0.02 0 8.03 599.484443 14.74 0.00 0.337 0.0 2.091 EAK807
2 40.99 0.00 18.37 7.07 6.75 0.24 19.91 5.68 0.00 0 8.03 0.000000 14.74 0.00 0.337 0.0 2.091 EAK807
3 42.78 0.21 20.67 3.08 6.90 0.28 21.76 4.58 0.00 0 8.21 1258.917331 20.11 15.64 6.120 0.0 2.390 173/033/K069/10
4 42.32 0.03 22.22 2.51 9.41 0.51 19.03 5.18 0.12 0 8.25 179.845333 5.01 5.89 2.220 0.0 9.440 173/034/0021/2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5515 41.96 0.00 19.88 4.73 6.59 0.27 21.07 4.83 0.00 0 227.10 0.000000 18.40 0.00 3.860 0.0 0.755 EAK807
5516 42.90 0.01 20.40 4.01 7.10 0.40 20.61 5.09 0.01 0 280.75 59.948444 78.03 0.00 7.900 0.0 2.340 EAK807
5517 41.85 0.00 20.84 3.91 6.81 0.23 21.23 4.95 0.04 0 280.75 0.000000 78.03 0.00 7.900 0.0 2.340 EAK807
5518 41.12 0.06 20.68 3.15 8.96 0.47 19.75 4.72 0.05 0 317.01 359.690666 85.91 0.00 20.640 0.0 24.810 EAK807
5519 41.93 0.00 21.09 3.22 8.79 0.37 19.48 4.80 0.07 0 317.01 0.000000 85.91 0.00 20.640 0.0 24.810 EAK807

5520 rows × 18 columns

Calculating T from Ryan_1996

T = pt.calculate_gt_only_temp(gt_comps = my_input_gt,
        equationT = 'T_Ryan1996') #Calculating T_Ryan1996
0        879.394511
1        899.055711
2        899.055711
3        902.455158
4        903.203904
5515    2080.727200
5516    2270.048658
5517    2270.048658
5518    2394.856217
5519    2394.856217
Length: 5520, dtype: float64

Calculating P from Ryan 1996

P = pt.calculate_gt_only_press_temp(gt_comps = my_input_gt, equationP = 'P_Ryan1996',
                        equationT = 'T_Ryan1996')
0       21.997736
1       34.305015
2       35.574086
3       28.746510
4       22.092332
5515    41.244365
5516    21.231356
5517    20.578851
5518    84.851620
5519    84.191790
Length: 5520, dtype: float64

Sudholz et al. 2021

#Loading data from Sudholz et al. (2021) for benchmarking tests of
#Sudholz2021 and Canil1999. This file consists both the solution and composition data
file_sudholz = "PT_Sudholz.xlsx"
data_sudholz = pt.import_excel(file_sudholz, sheet_name = "PT_Sudholz")
input_sudholz_ext = data_sudholz['my_input']
T2 = pt.calculate_gt_only_temp(gt_comps = input_sudholz_ext, equationT = 'T_Sudholz2021')

#Creating fig object
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,5))

ax1.plot([1000, 2500], [1000, 2500],color = 'r',linewidth = 1)

#plotting calculated vs read T_Ryan1996
ax1.plot(t_ext,T2, 'o')

ax2.plot(t_ext, t_ext-T2, 'ok')
ax2.set_yticks([-0.25, 0, 0.25])

ax1.set_ylabel('T Thermobar')
ax1.set_xlabel('T Published')

ax2.set_ylabel('T Published-T Thermobar')
ax2.set_xlabel('T Published')


Canil et al. 1999

T3 = pt.calculate_gt_only_temp(gt_comps = input_sudholz_ext, equationT = 'T_Canil1999')

#Creating fig object
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,5))

ax1.plot([1000, 2500], [1000, 2500],color = 'r',linewidth = 1)

#plotting calculated vs read T_Ryan1996
ax1.plot(t_ext,T3, 'o')

ax2.plot(t_ext, t_ext-T3, 'ok')
ax2.set_yticks([-0.25, 0, 0.25])

ax1.set_ylabel('T Thermobar')
ax1.set_xlabel('T Published')

ax2.set_ylabel('T Published-T Thermobar')
ax2.set_xlabel('T Published')


Example of plotting functions

#These are not benchmarking tests but an example for plotting functions

#Recalculating T and P
T = pt.calculate_gt_only_temp(gt_comps = my_input_gt,
        equationT = 'T_Ryan1996') #Calculating T_Ryan1996
P = pt.calculate_gt_only_press_temp(gt_comps = my_input_gt, equationP = 'P_Ryan1996',
                        equationT = 'T_Ryan1996')

#Plotting garnet geotherm with BDTL and chosen geotherm of 37 mW/m^2
pt.plot_garnet_geotherm(gt_comps = my_input_gt, T_Ni = T, P_Cr = P, BDL_T = 1125,
 SHF_low = 35, SHF_high = 45, SHF_chosen = 37, max_depth = 300,
  temp_unit = 'Celsius', plot_type = 'show')

my_input_gt = data['my_input']
Sample_ID_Gt SiO2_Gt TiO2_Gt Al2O3_Gt Cr2O3_Gt FeOt_Gt MnO_Gt MgO_Gt CaO_Gt Na2O_Gt Ti_Gt Ni_Gt Zn_Gt Ga_Gt Sr_Gt Y_Gt Zr_Gt K2O_Gt
0 173/034/0021/2 41.92 0.03 21.83 2.73 8.91 0.51 18.18 5.34 0.00 179.845333 7.04 2.31 2.110 NaN 10.830 1.20 0
1 EAK807 41.46 0.10 18.27 6.33 6.60 0.38 20.05 5.85 0.02 599.484443 8.03 0.00 0.337 NaN 2.091 14.74 0
2 EAK807 40.99 0.00 18.37 7.07 6.75 0.24 19.91 5.68 0.00 0.000000 8.03 0.00 0.337 NaN 2.091 14.74 0
3 173/033/K069/10 42.78 0.21 20.67 3.08 6.90 0.28 21.76 4.58 0.00 1258.917331 8.21 15.64 6.120 NaN 2.390 20.11 0
4 173/034/0021/2 42.32 0.03 22.22 2.51 9.41 0.51 19.03 5.18 0.12 179.845333 8.25 5.89 2.220 NaN 9.440 5.01 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5515 EAK807 41.96 0.00 19.88 4.73 6.59 0.27 21.07 4.83 0.00 0.000000 227.10 0.00 3.860 NaN 0.755 18.40 0
5516 EAK807 42.90 0.01 20.40 4.01 7.10 0.40 20.61 5.09 0.01 59.948444 280.75 0.00 7.900 NaN 2.340 78.03 0
5517 EAK807 41.85 0.00 20.84 3.91 6.81 0.23 21.23 4.95 0.04 0.000000 280.75 0.00 7.900 NaN 2.340 78.03 0
5518 EAK807 41.12 0.06 20.68 3.15 8.96 0.47 19.75 4.72 0.05 359.690666 317.01 0.00 20.640 NaN 24.810 85.91 0
5519 EAK807 41.93 0.00 21.09 3.22 8.79 0.37 19.48 4.80 0.07 0.000000 317.01 0.00 20.640 NaN 24.810 85.91 0

5520 rows × 18 columns

#Plotting the garnet composition of CARP, CaO-Cr2O3 and Grütter2004 classifications and projecting them unto the
#decided continental geotherm constructed with SHF_chosen and BDL_T.
#SHF_low and SHF_high are used to plot geotherms of all SHF values varying with 1 increments.
#Depth inverval is to slice up the mantle in kms when plotting compositional sections.
pt.plot_garnet_composition_section(gt_comps = my_input_gt, depth_interval = 10,
min_section_depth = 50, max_section_depth = 300, T_Ni = T, P_Cr = P, BDL_T = 1125,
 SHF_low = 35, SHF_high = 45, SHF_chosen = 37, temp_unit = 'Celsius',
 plot_type = 'save', filename_save = 'CARP_plot_2')

Na2O component is missing in some of the samples, diamondiferious classificatons might be wrong, defaulting to non-indicator classification. idx list:
[185, 217, 2058, 2348, 2349, 2440, 2698, 2721, 2722, 2764, 2786, 2842, 2889, 2915, 2953, 2954, 3020, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3063, 3083, 3097, 3115, 3116, 3160, 3161, 3198, 3298, 3344, 3345, 3427, 3472, 3494, 3565, 3611, 3670, 3688, 3707, 3808, 3818, 3864, 3877, 3878, 3890, 3933, 3934, 3935, 3936, 3951, 3985, 3986, 4018, 4028, 4058, 4076, 4159, 4160, 4161, 4177, 4236, 4284, 4297, 4327, 4361, 4362, 4368, 4417, 4439, 4455, 4525, 4540, 4602, 4719, 5022, 5040, 5060, 5078, 5080, 5086, 5091, 5106, 5144, 5168, 5193, 5198, 5199, 5206, 5221, 5229, 5239, 5295, 5301, 5312, 5318, 5337, 5342, 5343, 5358, 5360, 5379, 5393, 5395, 5406, 5412, 5425, 5426, 5436, 5437, 5461, 5471, 5483]
C:\Users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  return _methods._mean(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype,
<module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from 'C:\\Users\\penny\\anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\matplotlib\\'>
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