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Converting pressures into depths

#!pip install Thermobar
import Thermobar as pt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
out2=pt.import_excel('Example_Liq_Px_Amp.xlsx', sheet_name="Pyroxene")
SiO2_Cpx TiO2_Cpx Al2O3_Cpx FeOt_Cpx MnO_Cpx MgO_Cpx CaO_Cpx Na2O_Cpx K2O_Cpx Cr2O3_Cpx Sample_ID_Cpx
0 45.19 3.31 8.88 7.98 0.0764 11.88 20.94 0.6452 0.0000 0.2344 Lava_1_text_cpx1
1 48.50 2.51 6.47 7.11 0.1244 13.07 21.35 0.6048 0.0007 0.1034 Lava_1_text_cpx_1
2 48.18 2.62 6.70 7.63 0.1498 12.77 21.41 0.7057 0.0027 0.2723 Lava_1_text_cpx_1
3 49.73 2.03 5.86 7.03 0.0519 13.67 21.00 0.4540 0.0083 0.1600 Lava_1_text_cpx_2
4 46.01 3.22 8.73 8.08 0.1089 11.95 20.82 0.6429 0.0037 0.0000 Lava_1_text_cpx_2
C:\Users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning: In a future version, the Index constructor will not infer numeric dtypes when passed object-dtype sequences (matching Series behavior)
  new_ix = Index(new_ix)
C:\Users\penny\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ FutureWarning: In a future version, the Index constructor will not infer numeric dtypes when passed object-dtype sequences (matching Series behavior)
  new_ix = Index(new_ix)
g:\my drive\postdoc\pymme\mybarometers\thermobar_outer\src\Thermobar\ UserWarning: This Cpx-only barometer is sensitive to H2O content of the liquid.  By default, this function uses H2O=0 wt%, else you can enter a value of H2O_Liq in the function
  w.warn('This Cpx-only barometer is sensitive to H2O content of the liquid. '
P_kbar_calc T_K_calc Delta_P_kbar_Iter Delta_T_K_Iter SiO2_Cpx TiO2_Cpx Al2O3_Cpx FeOt_Cpx MnO_Cpx MgO_Cpx CaO_Cpx Na2O_Cpx K2O_Cpx Cr2O3_Cpx Sample_ID_Cpx
0 1.899763 1355.756009 2.273737e-13 1.591616e-12 45.19 3.31 8.88 7.98 0.0764 11.88 20.94 0.6452 0.0000 0.2344 Lava_1_text_cpx1
1 3.880512 1396.492499 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 48.50 2.51 6.47 7.11 0.1244 13.07 21.35 0.6048 0.0007 0.1034 Lava_1_text_cpx_1
2 3.661785 1385.544329 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 48.18 2.62 6.70 7.63 0.1498 12.77 21.41 0.7057 0.0027 0.2723 Lava_1_text_cpx_1
3 4.496111 1422.672182 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 49.73 2.03 5.86 7.03 0.0519 13.67 21.00 0.4540 0.0083 0.1600 Lava_1_text_cpx_2
4 2.921272 1369.518603 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 46.01 3.22 8.73 8.08 0.1089 11.95 20.82 0.6429 0.0037 0.0000 Lava_1_text_cpx_2

Now convert pressure to depth using a variety of crustal density models

Help on function convert_pressure_to_depth in module Thermobar.density_profiles:

convert_pressure_to_depth(P_kbar=None, crust_dens_kgm3=None, g=9.81, d1=None, d2=None, rho1=None, rho2=None, rho3=None, model=None)
    Converts pressure in kbar to depth in km using a variety of crustal density profiles


    P_kbar: int, float, pd.Series, np.ndarray
        Pressure in kbar

    g: float
        gravitational constant, in m/s2

    crust_dens_kgm3: float or str
        If float: Crustal density in kg/m3

        If model, choose from:

            Parameterization of Ryan 1987, actual equation from Lerner et al. 2021
            After 16.88 km (455 MPa), assume density is 2.746, as density turns around again. This profile is tweaked for Hawaii

            Parameterization of Mavko and Thompson (1983) and DeBari and Greene (2011)
            as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement.

            Parameterization of Hill and Zucca (1987),
            as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement

            Parameterization of Prezzi et al. (2009),
            as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement. Tweaked for Andes.

            Linear fit to the supporting information of Rasmussen et al. 2022,
            overall best fit density vs. depth

            If two step, must also define d1 (depth to 1st step), rho1 (density to 1st step), rho2 (density to 2nd step)

            If three step, must also define d1 (depth to 1st step), d2 (depth to second step), rho1 (density to 1st step), rho2 (density to 2nd step),
            rho3 (density after 3rd step) in km and kg/m3 respectively.


    Else, just enter a crustal density in kg/m3, e.g., model=2700


    Depth in km as a panda series

# Lets first examine these density models using a linear array between 0.5 and 10 kbar
P_array=np.linspace(0.5, 10, 10)

# Using the density model from Lerner et al. (2021) based on Ryan

# Using the  Parameterization of Mavko and Thompson (1983) and DeBari and Greene (2011)
# as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement.

#             Parameterization of Prezzi et al. (2009),
# as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement. Tweaked for Andes.

#            Parameterization of Hill and Zucca (1987),
# as given in Putirka (2017) Down the Crater Elements supplement

plt.plot(P_array, ryan_lerner, '-r', label='ryan_lerner')
plt.plot(P_array, mavko_debari, '-b', label='mavko_debari')
plt.plot(P_array, hill_zucca, '-g', label='hill_zucca')
plt.plot(P_array, prezzi, ':k', label='Prezzi 2009')
plt.xlabel('Pressure (kbar)')
plt.ylabel('Depth (km)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x21bd1d51e80>

Density models for given densities in kg/m3

# Single density of 2700 kg/m3 all the way through
Constant_2700=pt.convert_pressure_to_depth(P_kbar=P_array, crust_dens_kgm3=2700, g=9.81)

# Two step density profile, d1 is first step (e.g. Moho here)
                    model='two-step', d1=13, rho1=2700, rho2=3300, g=9.81)

                    model='three-step', d1=5, d2=14, rho1=2500, rho2=2900, rho3=3100,g=9.81)
plt.plot(P_array, Constant_2700, '-r', label='Constant_2700')
plt.plot(P_array, Two_step_2700_3300, '-b', label='Two_step_2700_3300')
plt.plot(P_array, Three_step_2500_2900_3100, '-g', label='Three_step_2500_2900_3100')
plt.xlabel('Pressure (kbar)')
plt.ylabel('Depth (km)')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x21bd1e56490>

Now lets choose one for our samples

Depth_ryan_lerner=pt.convert_pressure_to_depth(P_kbar=Calc_P['P_kbar_calc'], model='ryan_lerner')
0       7.653447
1      14.476528
2      13.716467
3      16.685551
4      11.188643
569    28.202109
570    21.592532
571    14.001327
572    24.112308
573    24.250966
Length: 574, dtype: float64

Now we can draw a histogram of depths in km

plt.hist(Depth_ryan_lerner, ec='k');
plt.xlabel('Calc Depth (km)')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Calc Depth (km)')

Or we can use a constant density

Depth_constrho=pt.convert_pressure_to_depth(P_kbar=Calc_P['P_kbar_calc'], crust_dens_kgm3=2700)
0       7.179753
1      14.665578
2      13.838945
3      16.992104
4      11.040332
569    28.720642
570    21.989539
571    14.149996
572    24.555644
573    24.696852
Name: P_kbar_calc, Length: 574, dtype: float64